Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.33

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Wei Fai sat outside eating oranges, "You're looking bright today-" she was attired in pink and white robes her chestnut colored hair half up in a tight bun held in place by a white jade hairpin also ordained her wavy strands were tiny flower clip ins the rest of her hair flowed down her back.

"...I can only enjoy for now too bad I'll have to be on my way back soon," Wei Fai sighs rubbing her jade bracelet, "I've been observing you for sometime and notice that you always seem to be rubbing that bracelet," Cheng Bi Yu approached.

"Oh this?-" Wei Fai shows off her bracelet smiling, "This is an engagement gift from Zheng Yong,"

"It's very pretty-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaims eyeing the bangle.

"..Thank you Advisor Tang. It seems Zheng Yong is not the only man here with taste-" Wei Fai chirps she then lowers her hand.

Cheng Bi Yu questions keenly observing her features,"Are you really going to go back like this?-"

Wei Fai stilled a bitter smile plastered her lips, "..I suppose-" she draws circles on the table, "Zheng Yong is occupied with court matters I'd just  be imposing on his work and I don't wish to make things difficult for him,"

Cheng Bi Yu expressed serious,
"..Why do you like him, Magistrate Zheng so much anyways?-"

Wei Fai laments,"..I first saw Zheng Yong at a horse race my father had dragged me to. I was bored out of my boots I didn't know why men loved these sports to an extent-" she exhaled, "A few rows down sat a boy who was immersed in the game he and another boy sat enjoying the game I don't know what happened but since that day suddenly I enjoyed the male sport-" she leaned, "..I met him again when I had followed my Uncle to the palace I found out he lived there. I made countless attempts to meet him one time I was walking in the garden and I accidentally bumped into him he warmly extended his hand despite not knowing my identity  at the time," Wei Fai proceeds peeling another orange.

"That's when I fell for him. After that day I wanted to know everything about him. I pestered my Uncle to find out for me," she held out her wrist which had a faded burn mark, "Once I found out he likes melted chocolate brownies I made every efforts to make one despite my poor culinary skills. I baked and burned them countless times even getting brunt in the process but finally made the prefect batch. After that I quickly freshened up and was prepared to go personally deliver it to him," she grins, "..When I arrived though I was too shy to give it to him myself so I asked Uncle to. I hid behind a tree watching the scene unfold I watched him take a bite," she brings her hand to her forehead, "I  accidentally stepped on a twig almost giving myself away. When his head snapped in my direction I froze but luckily he was called away-"

"And when was all this?-" Cheng Bi Yu pressed.

"When I was fifteen," Wei Fai quirked.

"You sure love oranges-" that was another thing Cheng Bi Yu had observed Wei Fai at the most had finished six oranges.

Wei Fai peered ahead, "...I actually don't really like them but ever since I found out they were his favorite fruit I started eating them," she confessed then obsessively adds, "...I've come to like everything he does-"

"Oh-" Cheng Bi Yu leaned back it was unclear to her whether Wei Fai was crazy or just stupid in love "You sure are dedicated," she exhausted.

Wei Fai beams, "..I've turned down every available suitor to ever come my way because I only have Zheng Yong in my heart!-" she wholeheartedly declares, "..Only with him I can be truly happy!-"

"..Then what happens if he has someone else in his heart?-" Cheng Bi Yu dared to ask the hormone induced female. Wei Fai leaned setting aside her orange, "Then I'll just have to fix it so he'll only have me in his eyes-" her tone was possessive and held obsession.

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