Coffee to go- 3.19

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Under update from Friday till next week. Be patient my lovelies ♡! !


Part one (1): Unravel

Christopher sets aside his wine glass standing to his feet the studious old matriarch adjusts his bright red bow tie approaching the entwined lovers he clears his throat patting Carter's shoulder, "..Can I have this dance?-" his eyes switched to the swollen lip Cheng Bi Yu who seemed taken back she rapidly nods her voice all high-pitched and hyper she pulled back, "Of course. Surely!-" she turned back to Carter, "Eh em! Your hand-" she slightly lowered her eyes her wingtip mascara crumble a bit Carter loosened up his grip Cheng Bi Yu departs an unwilling supporting male lead.

Cheng Bi Yu placed her palm in Christopher's the old matriarch led her just near the sidelines he carefully wrapped his hand around her waist keeping respectful distance she spoke looking forward sympathetic, "...Because of the rush of everything I hadn't been able to ask, how are you holding up?-"

Christopher's lip thinned his sharp eyes lowered he released a dry laugh, "..I never thought I'd see the day my
eldest son's been slapped with racketeering, drug smuggling, prostitution and the murder of his own brother-" his saddened eyes dart up, "..To be honest I don't know how I'm supposed to feel?!-"

Cheng Bi Yu comforting pats his shoulder, "..It's a tough pill to shallow at your age but we've all got you so don't think for a split second you're alone in this-" this time the old matriarch wholeheartedly laughs his chest plate vibrating volumes, "..I'm glad to have all your support. Then how about my grandchild?-"

"..Certainly killing his mother with morning sickness-" Cheng Bi Yu dramatically huffed the island's mayor chuckled, "..I'm sure it'll stop soon. Isn't that right my grandchild?-" he had slightly lowered his head looking down at her premature bump.

"..It's raining buckets!-" Cheng Bi Yu pushed open the room switching on the lights she lowered the her hand from over her head, "..Tell me something I don't know-" Carter brushed past quickly stripping his soaked attire, "..Change quick before you catch a cold-"

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu nods stripping ever article of clothing she pulled a towel from the closet wrapping it securely around her nude body she also grabs a plain white t-shirt and checkered pajama pants sliding the closet door she heads towards the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later the door whips open revealing a fully clothed Cheng Bi Yu drawing her short wet strands with a towel and a toothbrush at the corner of her mouth she slowly approached the nightstand picking up her switched off phone from the other night.

She switched it back on the screen came back to life and started generating feed it displayed hidden content:

Cheng Bi Yu's screen


13 Miss Calls

6 unread massages

2 missed WeChat video calls

"Huh! 13 miss calls?-" curious Cheng Bi Yu views the stats her voiced held surprise, "..Teddy?-" she paused drying her hair resting the towel on her shoulder she also removed the toothbrush from the corner of her mouth, "..Why's he calling?-" Cheng Bi Yu pressed his number bringing the mobile to her ear, "..Come on pick up-"

The automatic monotone machine voice came rolling in,"...The number you have dialed is unavailable please leave a message after the beep-" Cheng Bi Yu dialed again impatiently tapping her feet as the phone just rang on the other end a tired voice was heard, "Emerson?-" Teddy sounded lowdown exhausted, "Un. It's me what's happened?-"

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