Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13

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Cheng Bi Yu who was busily getting ready ignored Mei-Liang who started
sprouting questions directed to her, "—Miss are you sure this is a good idea? I mean why do you have to go out? What if Magistrate Zheng needs you? What will we do then?—"

Cheng Bi Yu felt a migraine she massaged the creases formed creases on her forehead, "... Ayo so many questions! Don't I get a break?!-" she sighed cooling down Cheng Bi Yu faintly smile, "...So many questions when does it end?-"

Cheng Bi Yu sets aside her rogue, "..We've already been over this Mei-Liang the cases won't get solved if I just lay around here-" she fixed her hair, "..So I'll just go out and investigate on my own-" she adjusts a clip, "...And as for Magistrate Zheng I doubt he'll even notice but if he does come inspect before I get back just make up an excuse. Anything should do as long as it isn't too outlandish—"

Cheng Bi Yu stands grasping her shoulder, "...So just breath-" she squeezed, "..I'll be back before you know just relax when cornered just stall-" she released her shoulder, "Mwah-" she gave her a quick peck on the cheek leaving she sets off in her female attire unnoticed as she escapes over the back wall.

Mei-Liang blushed holding her cheek she peers outside, "..Miss is too much-" she rubbed her cheek.

Cheng Bi Yu had arrived at her destination, X District was different in daylight less lively but a vendor's stall in every nock and cranny selling goods both high grade and low grade quality Cheng Bi Yu merged among the crowd eyeing Le Forte.

It seemed less shady in the day crates of the same size went in and out the back something that regularly happened during the day a passersby with no clear knowledge would dismiss it as new shipment of food supplies but Cheng Bi Yu the reality of the shipped merchandise confirmed  from what Poppy just informed.

[[It's gold, Host, very fake gold lots of it-]]

Cheng Bi Yu gaze closed in on the men she noticed a bar shaped tattoo on their wrist while walking further Cheng Bi Yu paused spotting a familiar face which blocked her path, "..It's you again, the world is indeed small..."

"Unfortunately for me it is-" Cheng Bi Yu proceeds to sidestep Zhou Tong outstretched his arm hindering her movement, "..Could we just have a civil conversation? I think we got off on the wrong foot before-" Zhou Tong exclaims.

Cheng Bi Yu wagged her nose, "..Unfortunately I have no time to partake in meaningless chatter-" she paused, "..But seeing your expression I'm guessing you're aware of my identity and relation with your Magistrate's Advisor. Am I right?—"

"Y-Yes but that's not why I wanna talk. You see the case—" Cheng Bi Yu interjects, "...Stop right there!-" she held out her hand, "...Officer Zhou is it? I only report back to my brother on matters of the case,"

"B-But...." Cheng Bi Yu interrupts, "....I have business to attend and places to be. I won't waste anymore time fratanizing with Jiang Court's lap dog. If you'd get out of my way-" Cheng Bi Yu brushed past him momentarily a strong breeze blew past lifting up her hair Zhou Tong scented her jasmine fragrance.

[[Host! Danger Alert! Danger Ahead!]]

While Cheng Bi Yu crossed a carriage was charging ahead full speed scaring everyone sending then scattering like ants it even knocked over some crates

Cheng Bi Yu froze her eyes widened in horror before the wild carriage could cause damage she was tugged backwards into strong arms. 

Cheng Bi Yu shocked blinks plunging from her daze as she leaned in Zhou Tong's arms her hands grasping his armor, "Get off me!-"Cheng Bi Yu sobered pushed back jolting from his embrace she dusts off her robe she cleared her throat, "...Thank you for saving me let this be our last encounter-" she strode off.

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