My Overbearing Ceo- 1.4

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Madam Lee was fuming at this point as she pointed with scorn, "You! Don't you dare call me mother out of your filthy mouth. You are not my daughter nor will you ever be so stop addressing me as your mother I have no scheming children. I know you deliberately caused Ying'er's accident. If it wasn't because of my patience I would have already called the police.

Frankly you disgust me Lee Chao Xing. You're just like your mother....the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. A schemer that's what you are and I won't allow you to scheme against my Ying'er. So please just do us a favour and leave the Lee family and go back to your mother-" Lee Rui Xing  finished off clasping  her hands together in a pleading  manner.

Lee Chao Xing eyes glassed over. Master Lee who was frozen too shocked to comprehend what just happened. However he was snapped out of his state hearing his precious daughter's voice. Lee Chao Xing's face was quite swollen Lee Rui Xing's hand had left an evidently red imprint.

Looking at her wronged state Lee Ran Long shouted sneering, "Rui Xing you dare!" He drew back his hand high ready to slap his dainty wife.

Lee Rui Xing was shocked this was the first time Lee Ran Long had raised his hand at her. Everything seemed frozen for a moment.

Lee Chao Xing cheered in her heart, 'Yes. Daddy get justice for Xing'er. Slap her hard. Humph Lee Rui Xing watch how I Slap you!'

"Agh!" Lee Ran Long  groaned as his wrist was grabbed and harshly  twisted "You!. ..." He openly glared at his first born.

"Yes me. Who else?" Cheng Bi Yu then roared harshly with much authority in her tone, "How dare you raise your hand on my mother you dog! Listen and listen good if you or anyone dares to lay their hands on my mother in the future I will make sure to personally cut those hands off myself!" pure bloodlust dripped from her voice.

[[Host you're scary]]

"My dear system don't you know to keep your enemies in check you got to let them fear you first. I'm doing just that, driving fear into the enemy will put a toll on their attack giving me enough time to deal with them,"

System praised.

[[Host is smart]]

"Wait I can't just be calling  you system all the time,"

System suggested.

[[You could always just call me by my full name]]

"That Face Slap thing's too long," Cheng Bi Yu exaggerated, "If we're gonna be partners for the time being you're gonna need a name that doesn't relate to A.I,"

Cheng Bi Yu scratches her head, "But it's funny I can't  think of one right away. In the future then whatever name I think of is yours,"


Lee Chao Xing narrowed her red puffy eyes at her big sister.

Cheng Bi Yu snorted, 'Humph this big sister's gonna pound you into the ground!' Then could help but laugh, "Pfft..." as the female lead resembled an Arabian boar.

[[Host not good female lead's heart blackened by 20%]]

"Only 20% I thought it would be at least 50% I better try harder," Cheng  Bi Yu contemplated, 'What to do to let her hate me more?'


Lee Chao Xing once again began her pitiful act. Cheng Bi Yu was repulsed,
"Big sister how could you speak to Father like that?" Cheng Bi Yu's lips held a ghostly grim smile.

Lee Chao Xing didn't wait for her reply before continuing her performance turning to Lee Ran Long  "Father you weren't gonna hit mother were you? I know Father is a good man and he loves mother he would never hit her. Father apologize to mother to clear up the misunderstanding and promise Xing'er you will never do it again-"

Transmigration:  Face slap the white lotusМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя