Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.8

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"...So it is-" Cheng Bi Yu lifts her chin, "..But can you do it?-" Mei-Liang confidently smiles, "..How hard could it be Miss does it well-" she puffed her chest channeling her inner man she scrawled her face contorted into a mean expression or so she thought.

Cheng Bi Yu gawks rapidly blinking Mei-Liang's face was so puffed up the youth looked like a blushing red tomato far from manly Mei-Liang could flip over backwards but to act like a man she couldn't instead her expression mimicked a bloat fish

Cheng Bi Yu pulls her arm, "Stop that's enough! I've seen enough!-" she exclaims embarrassed she fought back her laugher Mei-Liang bit her tongue, "...I can do it since Miss is displeased I'll try harder," her fierce eyes held determination she puffed her cheeks attempting to muster up the scariest face she could think of
keyword: attempting.

Cheng Bi Yu pats her shoulder, "..It's alright you don't need to try that hard. You don't need to act like a man-" Mei-Liang interjects, "..But it's Miss's request I won't fail-" Cheng Bi Yu sighs, "...It's okay really it'll still work just don't act like your usual self while we're out in the open-"

"Un." Mei-Liang nods agreeing a smile spread across Cheng Bi Yu's lips she went to pat the girl's head, "Good girl!-" a sudden abrupt knock came to the door which caused both individual to halt their movements they held their breaths, "..Advisor Tang it's me!-"

Cheng Bi Yu sighs quick she over to her bed slipping in Mei-Liang strode over to the door she leaves it slightly
ajar as she peeked her head through her lips remained thinned, ".. I'm sorry Officer Zhou but my Master is resting at the moment he can't be burdened at the moment-"

Zhou Tong sighs he then awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "-Then I'll leave please inform me if he gets better..."

The corner of her mouth tugged, "..Don't worry Officer Zhou you'll be the first to know of Master's condition..." with that Zhou Tong leaves Mei-Liang sighs in relief wiping the invisible sweat from her forehead she closed the door.

Cheng Bi Yu comes out from the under the covers she exhaled  marching towards Mei-Liang with two sacks, "...Well that was close," she tossed over one of the sacks, "..Here fling this over your shoulder-" she then proceeds to fling the one in her possession over her shoulder Cheng Bi Yu then notices something.

Cheng Bi Yu mutters carefully eyeing Mei-Liang, "..Even with the disguise you still look too girly." She gasps, "..I wonder if that's how I look?!-" she rushed towards the bronze mirror, "..So I thought!-" Cheng Bi Yu placed her finger on her chin, "..What to do? Oh what to do?-" she mumbled she
pauses for a brief moment before she exclaimed rather loudly, "...I got it!-" spooking Mei-Liang enough for her to jerk back.

"..System I need fake facial hair stat-"

[[Always lovely to see I'm needed by Host even if you haven't conversed me in awhile]]

"...Well I haven't needed you in awhile now. Anyways are you going to give me the fake hair or not?.."

[[Don't get your panties in a bunch Host. Facial hair coming right away. Free of charge. You owe me]]

Mei-Liang stood silently wondering if Cheng Bi Yu was going crazy after all she just excitedly exclaimed she had something but yet stood in place unmoving seemingly conversing to someone or something in her head.

"..Hah huh!-" Mei-Liang watched as Cheng Bi Yu pulled something else from out of her chest, "..This is what we need," Cheng Bi Yu held out what
Mei-Liang would describe as some kind of weave.

"-What is that?.." Mei-Liang points to the weave in Cheng Bi Yu's grasp, "-This my darling is facial hair we need to put it on so we'll look more manly," Cheng Bi Yu proceeds gluing the facial hair on Mei-Liang despite her protest she squirmed, "..Feels weird!-" she tries to pry it off Cheng Bi Yu smacks her palm, "..Don't-"

Mei-Liang pouts, "Ouch!-" she rubs her palm Cheng Bi Yu justifies herself, "It's better this way-" she twirls Mei-Liang around leaning into the bronze mirror she gently smacks her shoulders, "..There don't we look manly?!-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed, "...You ready for this?-"

Mei-Liang nods scrunching her nose "..Hate the facial hair but I'll get over it-" Cheng Bi Yu leans, "..Great. We better leave now we don't have much time. We'll sneak around back going through the front will lure attention-"

Mei-Liang gulps peering at the sky high wall Cheng Bi Yu had instructed her to climb over, "...This is your worst idea yet! I can't climb that thing! Maybe we shouldn't sneak out this is a very bad idea-"

Cheng Bi Yu rebuffed, "..It's a great idea. We just need to climb over and we're out no biggie," Mei-Liang stood unconvinced she stubbornly folds her arms over her chest, "..Well I'm not going!-" she stays rooted to her spot.

Cheng Bi Yu sighs, "...I need you Mei-Liang. I can't do this without you if I could I wouldn't have involved you-" she stares deeply into her eyes, "
..Do this for me-" Mei-Liang melted her expression softened she unfolds her arm, "..Fine-"

Mei-Liang points, "..But if you drop me the deals off-" Cheng Bi Yu gives her a boost, "...You can do it Mei-Liang. Fighting!-" Mei-Liang grips the top surface of the wall she cringed, "..Higher! Try not to drop me-"

Cheng Bi Yu grits her teeth feeling her strained shoulder, "..What the hell have you been eating Mei-Liang!-" Mei-Liang glanced down, "..If you must know roasted duck and occasionally baked chicken-"

"....You must be eating more than that! Why else would you be so heavy?!-" she grinds her teeth Mei-Liang huffs, "Stop complaining! Higher!-" Cheng Bi Yu grits hoisting her up further.

[[Come on Host you can do it! Put your back into it!]]

Poppy blows her whistle cheering her on.

"Piss off will you!.." Cheng Bi Yu scuffed with one forcible push Mei-Liang climbed reaching a foot over the wall

[[Oh I knew you could do it Host! I'm so proud of you!]]

"Again piss off!-"

Jumping down Mei-Liang staggers convinced her ankle was broken hearing her groaning Cheng Bi Yu whisper shouts concerned, "..Everything good over there?!-"

Mei-Liang shakes her head but facepalms herself at her stupidity of course her Miss couldn't see her head shake, "Un-" she answers, "...Just a little sprain-"

"..Alrighty!-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed, "..But is the coast clear?-" Mei-Liang's head snapped in both directions, "Affirmative-" dusting off her dirtied hand Cheng Bi Yu grips the wall because of her abilities she gained from being a cat beast shifter she effortlessly climbed over the wall her landing also was smooth.

"..Poppy send me a map layout of my surroundings and if you could highlight the Red District that would be highly appreciated,"

[[I thought Host told me to piss off earlier]]

Poppy folded her arms pouting.

"Just send me the damn map layout!.."

Poppy huffs stubbornly, [[I won't till you apologize]]

"You little system! Do you want to die!.." Cheng Bi Yu scuffs.

[[Then I guess Host won't be needing my help then. System signing off in 1...2...3]


Cheng Bi Yu groans,"..You don't have to be a baby about it okay fine I'll apologize. I'm sorry. Is that better?.."


Poppy smiles in glee.

[[Much better Host I think you're improving on being nice to me]]

"..Don't push it! You're lucky you're not flesh if you were I would've called your bluff. You don't like me when I'm mad-" she eerily exclaims leaving  Poppy virtually shivering.

Transmigration:  Face slap the white lotusМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя