Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 11

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Cheng Bi Yu blinks she sighs she was unclear whether she'd cry or thank him for his unexpected intervention she ponders on the other hand Zheng
Yong fiercely focused on the frivolous Yu Zheng-Wei the onlookers wagged their tongues this was their first time ever seeing Magistrate Zheng in a frivolous property like this and nonetheless man handling a spiteful rogue like Yu Zheng-Wei.

Zheng Yong released his arm harshly pushing the wild haired Yu Zheng-Wei to the floor the crowd present received shocks after shocks and viable entertainment free of cost.

After recovering from the ordeal air got caught at the back of their throats as the gawked insanely stunned by Cheng Bi Yu's apparel. Cheng Bi Yu awkwardly shifts from the greedy stares she grabs Mei-Liang bolting out of there not sparing a glance.

Zheng Yong bends retrieving discarded frail veil from the floor tucking it away up his sleeve. Zhou Tong took the initiative and with good intent ran after Cheng Bi Yu the crowd dispersed everyone went back to their respective activity, "...Wait Miss!-" Zhou Tong shouts trying to catch up to the evading Cheng Bi Yu. She quickened her pace running faster and faster trying to evade the persistent Officer Zhou.

Zhou Tong effortlessly catches up to them Mei-Liang hunched breathing heavily in the veil she was fairly out of breath despite Cheng Bi Yu being the one painstakingly dragging her weight.

Cheng Bi Yu is annoyed that her wrist is suddenly grabbed by Zhou Tong he rushed a tad out of breath himself, "..You run fast for a woman!-" he exclaimed, "...I almost lost you there-"

Cheng Bi Yu frowns her brows furrowed, "..Is a woman not capable to outrun a man? Or is it not allowed to refuse one's unwanted advances?-" Cheng Bi Yu pressed she took this as an offense especially knowing how backward thinking the people in this era were.

Knowing she was in disguise Cheng Bi Yu simply didn't wish to blow her cover so she didn't press further. She arched her eyebrows her eyes slanted peering up at him, "...Why did you stop me?-" Zhou Tong had loosened his grip on her wrist Cheng Bi Yu pulled back folding her arms over her chest.

Zhou Tong exhales explaining his actions, "...You look strikingly familiar-" his lips thinned his  question rolled off his tongue, "-Have we met somewhere before-" Officer Zhou ponders conflicted the woman did share a striking resemblance to Tang Ying Jie.

Cheng Bi Yu drops her hands to her side, "..I don't think we did. If we did I'd certainly remember a face like yours. If that's all then-" Cheng Bi Yu turns walking off Zhou Tong grabs her arm this time stopping her departure, "...Are you sure we haven't met before Miss?!-"

Cheng Bi Yu lips thinned, "..Look it's impossible for us to have met alright-" she attempts to tug her arm from his grasp she frowned agitated, "...I'm telling you I don't know you mister! Why do you keep persisting that we know each other?!-"

Cheng Bi Yu tsk her face contracts, "..Do you want to sleep with me? Is that it? Is that why you insist you know me?!-" she tilts her head with her chilled interrogation Zhou Tong uncomfortable with the blunt trail of words quickly released her arm.

Cheng Bi Yu quirks cocking her brow,
"..So I thought," she stares him down, "..May our paths never cross again-" with that Cheng Bi Yu heads off without anymore interruptions.

Zhou Tong was left dumbfounded watching the retreating figures he shook his head coming out of his daze he walks back towards the brothel he scolds himself having diverted because of a simple misunderstanding.

Heading back inside heading over the sharp eyed Zheng Yong's side Tao Lin  decided to express sincere greetings to the man they addressed formally as
Magistrate Zheng accordingly in hopes of currying favor a habit of his,
"Oh my what a pleasant visit how may I interest Magistrate Zheng today? Maybe you'd like a room and a bottle of our finest wine or maybe you would like some entertainment?-" he  gestured to his girls up on the stage.

Zheng Yong calm and collected replies, "...No need for pleasure or enjoyment this visit is to learn some information from you personally," Tao Lin laughs at his serious tone,"..Oh it is like that then follow me," he led the two to his office  offering them seats Zheng Yong sat down first not versed with beating around the bush Zheng Yong spoke bluntly, "..We have reasons to believe you were involved in the death of Bo Hui Ying," Tao Lin momentarily leans back into against his chair.

"...I don't know who's this Hui Ying person you speak of," Tao Lin a spectacle liar didn't even bat an eyelash spurting his perverse lies.

"...Isn't Hui Ying a performer at this establishment?-" Zhou Tong questions narrowing his gaze Tao Lin shook his head Zhou Tong mutters, "..But our informant-" he was sidelined by Tao Lin his lips curled metabolically, "...Then your informant must have heard wrong maybe you should change him since it seems he's got honey in his ears and a blindfold over his eyes-"

"..Then what about a rumor going around about the marketing of fake gold," Tao Lin set down the gin he had been drinking coughing harshly after almost choking on some he exclaims, "-That's a blatant accusation. We do honest business here Magistrate Zheng not because I run a shabby business like this I can't be a honest business man...." Tao Lin gestures for a female server to come forth and pour out some wine for Zheng Yong.

Zheng Yong eyes notably slanted at Tao Lin boring holes into him Tao Lin shifted in his seat a little his being shivering inside at Zheng Yong's  stone cold stare his oily skin started to sweat there was a pregnant silence before he spoke,"...Are you certain you're not involved?..Because if I do find out that you're participating you're going to find yourself in murky waters-"

Tao Lin chuckled at Zheng Yong's threat the narcissistic bastard was confident no one could touch him as valued as he was he was protected dearly by his boss.


Zheng Yong waves his hand, "..No need," he then hastily stands up, "-We have to leave to continue our duties, you can drink on my behalf," with the lack of cooperation they decide to leave Zhou Tong in front Zheng Yong just behind Zheng Yong steps paused, "-And Tao Lin..." He turns his piercing eyes on the older man.

Tao Lin gulps catching the younger man's sharp eyes Zheng Yong exclaimed, "..Continue to be the honest man that you are-" he then turns leaving Tao Lin shatters spooked as soon as the two men were out of ear shot view. Zheng Yong was just too scary even making a grown man like him wanting to wet himself.

"What's our next move?.." Zhou Tong asked the moment they stepped foot outside Le Forte, "...He was clearly lying the man lied through those fat greasy lips of his. He is confident and I know for a fact it's because he has a high backer," Zheng Yong scuffs before saying calmly, "..We'll just have to wait till the fire sets his ass will be on too much fire for him not to comes clean or we'll just slowly weed him out,"

"...It sounds like a plan-" Zhou Tong agrees the man continue to walk along the street Zhou Tong exclaims with concern, "..I wonder if Advisor Tang is okay now!-"

"Oh-" Zheng Yong had completely forgotten about his Advisor but then something earlier crossed his mind the woman from earlier did share striking resemblance to his Advisor if not you could say they were exact replicas Zheng Yong then suggests, "..Let's make haste and hurry back to
check up on Advisor Tang to see his condition-" Zhou Tong was frozen
out of all the Advisors selected by Zheng Yong Tang Ying Jie was the first he seemed concerned about.

When they arrived back to Jiang Court they immediately strode  towards Cheng Bi Yu's courtyard from a distance they saw Cheng Bi Yu leaned up against the bench seemingly engrossed  in a conversation with Mei-Liang, "..So it seems you are well..." Zheng Yong directed towards Cheng Bi Yu who hadn't yet acknowledged their presence Cheng Bi Yu whips her head around, "..Un-" was her simple reply she exclaims, "..Just a little  stomachache nothing a man like me couldn't handle!-" she proceeded to confidently flex her chicken noodle arms.

"...Is there something you want to tell us?-" Zheng Yong inquired folding his arms Cheng Bi Yu felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise.

Transmigration:  Face slap the white lotusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon