Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.21

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"..Here let me get it for you-" Deng Wu offers his help moving closer Tang Mu Lan less reluctant stilled letting him take off  whatever was on her face. Instead of taking off the 'thing' like proposed Deng Wu sneakily grabbed  her cheeks pinching them, "Deng Wu! Let go!..." She gripped his hands struggling to stop his assault on her cheeks.

She was just so cute glaring at him Tang Mu Lan made a avid decision to copy his actions also grabbing onto his cheeks, "-Let go it hurts!"

"-You let go first-"

"-No you let go first-" Tang Mu Lan cheeks red hurt such she feared they were on the verge of breaking off that is if cheeks could really break.

"-You let go!-"

"-No you let go!-"

Exhaling Tang Mu Lan advocates a solution, "..On the count of three we both let go-" Deng Wu nods agreeing to the terms.

"-1!-" The countdown begins both their grips were still locked tight.

"-2!-" Both grips gradually loosened.


Tang Mu Lan rubbed her aching cheeks, "You fool!-" she cursed continuing glaring at him Deng Wu was also busy rubbing his aching  cheeks.

"...Let's call a truce-" He offered a friendly smile Tang Mu Lan's brows quirked, "I'm listening-" Deng Wu swoops in stealing a kiss from her
it was a quick peak but was enough to bring out her fury, "..Deng Wu! You scoundrel! Come let me catch you!-" Tang Mu Lan chased after him when she got close enough she would smack him with her fan.

<<End of dream sequence>>

Deng Wu jolts up throwing off his sheet he brought his hand to his burning cheek, "Weird-" it was only a dream but the sensation he felt in his dream he felt in reality he gently rubs his cheek smiling like a fool.

Cheng Bi Yu rolled over on the other side of her bed Mei-Liang's obnoxious snoring had depleted making it easier to get enough shut eye before daybreak.

Cheng Bi Yu since her transmigrating journey dreamt about her life before her untimely departure from her original reality most interesting the image of her death flashed black and red before her she watched the life drain from her eyes her cold bloodied body laid limp on the desolate road.

A question that hadn't crossed her mind since then suddenly popped up at the back of her head, '..Who sent the envelope that unraveled the truth that ruined my life?-'

Unable to shake the thought Cheng Bi Yu sat up right left counting sheep again. The sun had risen to it's peak and most were up Mei-Liang just risen rubbed her eyes stretching her sore limbs she yawned turning her sights towards Cheng Bi Yu's bed she jolts frightened, "..Well you look like death-" Mei-Liang points out Cheng Bi Yu horrid appearance.

"..I feel like death-" Cheng Bi Yu tiredly groans rubbing the baggy cocoons below her eyes she then slowly stretched Mei-Liang crawls over leaning against the bed edge, "..Look at you I told you to sleep if you'd heeded you should looked refreshed not look like the undead-"

"..I know but with your snoring-" Mei-Liang quickly covered her mouth, "..Oh My!-" she slowly lowers her palm, "...Did I snore all night?-" she expressed a guilty conscience.

"..Not so much-" Cheng Bi Yu lifts from bed heading towards the bronze mirror, "..Well I look like shit-" she pinched her puffed cheek with big pores, "..Nothing a little makeup can't fix-"

Cheng Bi Yu and Mei-Liang sat outside leisurely chatting as Cheng Bi Yu ate her beloved sugar dumplings.

Zhou Tong approached the two, "..Ying Jie, Mei-Liang-" he warmly greets Cheng Bi Yu responds with a decent smile. Zhou Tong sat down with the two the scene became noticeably awkward when everyone kept eyeing each other but bound rooted silence.

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