Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh- 5.3

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"..What kind of mother are you?-" Cheng Bi Yu gawks putting emphasis on 'mother'.

"..One that will do anything to ensure her child's happiness," Sadie proclaims with a perplexed expression.

"..Let me ask you this. Will your son be happy watching his mother slowly dying before him?-" with that Cheng Bi Yu leaves silently Sadie momentarily bites down on her lips.

"..Here look what we've  got for you-" Cheng Bi Yu waves the pink wrapped lollipop in her hand brightly smiling she hands the candy to the eager Aiko. Cheng Bi Yu then poured out some milk for Pong. "Be good. I'm gonna go check up on Sadie," she raffles the girl's ash brown hair.

Cheng Bi Yu approached Sadie,
"...Sadie about yesterday. Did you think about what I said?-" Cheng Bi Yu asked facing Sadie's back which stiffened hearing her voice, "Sadie is everything?-" grabbing her shoulder she spins her around her face looked awfully caked whipping out her handkerchief Cheng Bi Yu wiped the overly caked area revealing a fresh bruise around Sadie's eyes. "I told him that I couldn't live like this anymore and he snapped," ashamed she instinctively tries to hide the bruise.

Cheng Bi Yu grits her teeth fuming, "Where is he?!-" Sadie grabs her arm, "Nyx, please calm down! it's nothing-" she goes silent seeing Cheng Bi Yu's fierce glare, "I'm many things and calm isn't one of them-"  Cheng Bi Yu stalks off, "—What are you gonna do?—"

"...Probably something sinister," Cheng Bi Yu smirked cracking her knuckles.

Conan walks inside his condo turning on the lights, "..Mhmm! What's for dinner?-" Cheng Bi Yu grins leaning back relaxing her legs prompt up on the dining table surrounded by food.

"..Who are you?-" Conan questioned confused his brows miraculously arched.

Taking down her feet Cheng Bi Yu  crossed her legs, "..Your Grim Reaper-" she deadpanned.

"..Look little girl!-" Conan exclaims with clear agitation in his tone he angrily balled his fist.

Cheng Bi Yu clicks her tongue,"...Look you filthy scum-"

"Bitch!-"  Conan roars angered by the unknown girl's insult.

Leaning forward her elbows her placed on the table, "—Bitch. Mhmm! It has a nice ring to it doesn't it?—" she grimly smiles, "Let's get down to why I've decided to give a trash like you a visit,"

Cheng Bi Yu averts her eyes to her nails before darting back to him,"..Sadie, she's the mother of your child, am I right?-"

Conan rolls his eyes unamused, "..You came here all the way to ask me that? As expected you're a waste of my time-" he goes to walk off Cheng Bi Yu sends a flying dagger towards him it brushed just an inch past his face it lodged itself into an expensive piece of painting.

Conan froze petrified his eyes widened he trembled,"..I'd wait if I were you. I wouldn't want my trigger finger to get happy now," her foot tapped against the tiled floor, "..I've waited for quite some time in that time I've contemplated at least fifty different ways to kill you,"

Her lips curled, "..And I'd at least love to try one out," Cheng Bi Yu adds  sharpening her blade her eyes blackened,"..Never ever lay your scrawny hands on her again and we won't have a problem. You could walk out here in one piece or two the choice is yours,"

Collecting himself Conan menacingly laughs, "Ha-ha-ha!-" his face contorted into ugliness he abruptly stops his face becoming deathly pale. His body snapped in a inhuman way his bones kept snapping as his body contorted, he turned into a zombie—his eyes a disgusting yellowish red, foam falling down the side of his mouth.

Busting out the guns she had taped under the table Cheng Bi Yu jumps up on the table kicking aside dishes as she open fire on his upper body the fatal shot issued to his forehead she jumps down bringing the pistol to her lips she blows off the powder, "..You sir have been served-"

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