Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16

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"System you better explain this!..." Cheng Bi Yu crushed the rose petal in her palm.

[[Host is experiencing her monthly cycle]]

Cheng Bi Yu brows furrowed furious as she menacingly glared at the open air, "-I know what it is goddammit!-" she smacked her fist against the water causing a ripple, "..I'm asking why is it happening now? In all my other worlds it never did, so again why now?-"

[[The more worlds you'll enter the more bodily functions will become more realistic. Because Host is inhabiting Tang Mu Lan's body she'll of course experience this function because of Tang Mu Lan's regular cycle]]

"Phew!-" she flung her head back, "..Well then can't you give me something for the pain?-" she asked rubbing her aching stomach.

[[I'm sorry Host. The system shop doesn't have any more pills available but I do have a gadget you can use free of charge. Does Host accept, [Yes/No]..]]

Cheng Bi Yu wrinkled her nose, "..Humph! It better not be one of those womanly ancient contraptions-" she churned, "..Give it to me-"

Seeing the soft padded white material floating in the corner Cheng Bi Yu  proclaimed, "..Just what I need pads. This will definitely help! Thanks-" she then dismisses her system the sanitary napkins floats slowly landing on a stool.

Cheng Bi Yu thoroughly scrubs her skin satisfied and refreshed she ascends from the bath snatching her robe from the divider she securely wraps it around her slim psychic she then exits her wet footprints leaving a imprint.

Mei-Liang had already laid out a fresh set of robes for her to put on. She slips from the slim fabric getting dressed Cheng Bi Yu grew increasing tired even to the point she was unable to finish the food Mei-Liang had dutifully prepared.

Her body felt weak and weaker and so was her will to stay awake so even with it being day Cheng Bi Yu strode over slipping in bed she curls up in a fetus position hoping to ease the thunderous pain her uterus unleashed biting down on her lip she moaned uncomfortable closing her eyes.

The yellow haired woman was robed in full red her sword in hand walked across the snow ignoring her frost bitten barefooted feet which left red footprints in the snow. Her eyes were focused on the majestic snow covered cage ahead.

The dark cave completely brightens upon her presence it's enchantment gone. Luo Xiao Fei makes her way further within the cave her eyes immediately went to the clear crystal ice coffin in the center.

Luo Xiao Fei's footsteps are slow and deliberate she comes to a stop before the coffin Luo Xiao Fei stabs her sword in the ground collapsing on the coffin preserving the white robed youth who's face was no longer hidden behind a mask.

"How long?-" she questions the youth laying peacefully in the ice coffin, "How long am I supposed to wait?-" her voice trembled as her throat pained.

Luo Xiao Fei feet buckled causing her to fall to her knees, "How long will I have to wait to have you in my arms again?-" Luo Xiao Fei grabbed her aching chest tears falling  down her cheeks, "I'm not strong enough to leave on without you anymore Shu Xi Han...I'm not strong!-" she wailed in anguish.

"You promised you'll come back to me," Luo Xiao Fei bitterly bit down on her bottom lip tasting blood, "You promised me an eternity...So when will you wake to fulfill your promise?-"

The scene slowly fades closing in on the anguishedwoman's face.

A stray tear falls from the corner of Cheng Bi Yu's eyes.

Mei-Liang was outside busily catching more water just in case her lady decided she wanted another bath when she awoke but her actions were stopped by Zhou Tong who had come to get the Advisor for some matters.

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