Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.19

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Reaching his courtyard Zheng Yong angrily strode into his study he stubbornly folds his hands behind his back deliberately pacing back and forth, "..Impossible!-" he frustratedly exhaled, "..How can I be wrong?!-"

His train of thoughts and pacing were then interrupted, "-Magistrate there you are—" Cheng Bi Yu cautiously strode over observing the atmosphere he turned facing her, "..Is there something you need Advisor?-" Zheng Yong immediately asks.

Cheng Bi Yu deliberated, "..Not really-" she cheekily cocks her head, "-I was just curious about the change Zhou Tong mentioned-" Zheng Yong wrinkled his eyebrows, "..Is that all?" He slanted his eyes.

"..Why do I feel you're trying to her rid of me?-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed, "..Tang Ying Jie is that all?!-" his tone becomes serious more stern Cheng Bi Yu bit her tongue,"Yes—that's all,"

"..Then leave!-" Zheng Yong turned away, "..I have more pressing matters to get to," Cheng Bi Yu exits she huffed kicking the dirt, "..Who wants to be in your company anyway? Humph, do you think you're Wang Yibo?-" she angrily stomped huffing all the way out his courtyard.

Zheng Yong released a breath he didn't even know he was holding he huffs walking towards his shelf his finger tips brushed against a book he picks it off the sleeve removing the veil he secretly hid within he brought it to his nose deeply inhaling the jasmine fragrance, "..I wanted it to be you-". That night Zheng Yong took a lukewarm bath then retired to bed than he dreamt.

<<Dream sequence ahead>>

Zheng Yong terribly shivers he rubs his palms together creating needed friction bringing them to his lips he lightly blows hot air into his palms. Zheng Yong sharp eyes keenly observed his surroundings by the looks of it he was trapped in some kind of forest with any other detection of life.

Zheng Yong calculating his options decides it's best to march ahead so then maybe he could escape this forest. Marching on the path forward he hears faint giggles he stops in his tracks paranoid he looks around, "..Who's there?!-" he gets no reply but the string of childish giggles still echoed.

His eyes frantically scatter he nervously huffs, "..Come out, show yourself!-" he draws his sword in anticipation of a possible ambush. "...Zheng Yong~" Zheng Yong froze his sweaty palm remained firm on his sword, "..Who said that?!-" he furrowed his brows his gaze became defiant, "...How'd you know my name! Show yourself you coward!-" he snarled.

"..Zheng Yong~" he frustratedly exhaled lowering his sword this time around the voice sounded soothing it dripped honey— but also sounded sweetly familiar Zheng Yong walks ahead being led by the voice.

"Yong Yong~" it call out more intimately then giggles saying this childish line, "..You can't find me-" Zheng Yong continues on the trail until he unexpectedly run into a dead end the plush grass wall was the barrier that obstructed his way Zheng Yong turns about to leave but paused when he heard singing, "Lalalay~" he approached the wall pushing against the barrier he's sucked in.

Opening his tightly squeezed eyes Zheng Yong no longer  felt cold this place a contrast to the forest it was tropical—very warm. There he beheld a enormous waterfall and further below in the river he saw the  naked back of a woman, "..You found me. It's about time-" the person turned around it was Tang Mu Lan, no it was Tang Ying Jie his Advisor, he spots the tattoo just above his chest.

Zheng Yong inched back overwhelmed, "..Tang Ying Jie?!—" he shouts shocked. Tang Ying Jie swam over to the bank folding his arm he then lazily lays his head upon it, "Who else would it be if not me?—"

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