***lost in the woods 6/9***

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The walk back was peaceful but an awkward air was floating around.

Obviously cerik and Melathia didn't notice because they were so indulged in their own conversation.

Every step the other two took though was antagonising.

Malori continued to pinch herself, convinced that she was stuck in a dream and Vel was mentally face palming herself for being so physical so soon in their relationship.

New thoughts were exploding into her mind with every step she took. What if malori hates me now? Will she want to break up? Did she like it? Was i to rough? Some.... more dramatic then others.

But despite the negitive thoughts and worries, the dragoness slight tail wagging behind her proved that she was reliving the moment of her mage in between her arms. Skin on skin. The soft and warm body. The irresistible scent still lingering in her nose.

All of these senses and the dirty thoughts of her and malori doing it in this forest.

A dark red blush was now coating the couples faces while the others were having a pleasant and oblivious conversation about a topic cerik had brought up; ...stockings.

Steping through the opening in the rock walls the four of them were welcomed with; the same fire still burning lighting up the faces of everyone and some small tents scattered around but there seemed to only be five set up.

Galena, alto and Laila all sitting next to some herbs that must have been gathered while they were gone.

King Albert and his daughter were nowhere to be seen.

They were most likely already in a tent.

Greedy fucks. The dragoness mind was stating everything bad about the humans king, obviously trying to leave her lover out of it.

Cerik skipped over to the three humans, sharing a joke with them before also sharing the caught food.

Malori soon joined after her friend.

Some small talk and laughing erupted from each of them.

Velverosa however was facing Melathia but wasn't really indulging in the conversation.

More like; she was using Melathia as an excuse to watch malori.

The queen waiting a painfully long couple of minutes before she watched cerik and her love walk in a different derection.

Without making it obvious that she was desperate, the demon dragged her slithery companion towards her mage.

"So what was that conversation about?" Obviously the dragon wanted to know why her love was kept away from her for so long.

"O-oh, they were just asking if we had seen any water supplies recently besides the ocean."

The realisation that there is no clean water finally hit vel.

"You know we haven't check down this cave yet."

All eyes turned to the longer path into the cave that was yet to be explored.

Darkness sorounded all corners of where the light of the fire couldn't reach. Like a black void just sitting in front of everyone, blocking the rest of the tunnel from view.

"I think you three should go, I'll stay here and prep everthing for dinner."

It was clearly obvious that the lamia just didn't want to go but despite that a nod came from everyone.

Malori X Vel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now