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Pirate AU:

Purple scales. Under water. That smile. Violet eyes.

These were the only details the captain velverosa could remember from her explicit dream. Although she could not remember her thoughts, a little portion of her is certain that it was a very pleasurable dream. Vel would have loved to continue her unknown thoughts, and she would have, if her subordinate hadn't interrupted her quick power nap.

"CAPTAIN! You will never believe what berkz caught!"

With a swift movement, velverosa was upright on her feet, not feeling the need to bring her sword she let her crew lead her towards whatever it was that suddenly had everyones attention.

Vel was faced with the entirety of her crew all circled around a bundle of fishing nets with something caught between them. A girl? No- maybe? It kind of looked like the bottom half of a fish was covering her legs.

Her confusion was quickly answered when berkz revealed that the fish was her legs. Yet there was something familiar about her, like someone she had met in a dream.

Foolishly she had been so lost in thought that she only just realised that the only thing the women seemed to be wearing at the moment was a lot of scales and some staps of sea weed covering her chest.

"Someone cover her up!" vel demanded to her crew. Quickly fenn grabbed a nearby blanket and with ease and caution wrapped it around the sitting womens shoulders. Yet the violet eyes of the mermaid-creature seemed fixated on vel. One might be reasoning that she must be thinking: 'what's happening?' Or 'is this the end?'

If one could read her mind though, they would find that the only thought going through her head would be: 'hot!'

If the crew weren't so focused on the glimmering of her tail they would have noticed how the mermaids face changed to a darker shade of red. Unfortunately for her though, vel wasn't like her crew and instead focused on her violet eyes.

"Can i touch it?" Fhausts broke the silence with a stupid question with pointing his finger at the girls tail and looking at vel for permission.

"No." A new voice spoke, coming from the women on the ground while everyone looked at her in confusion.

"It can talk!!!" Conoleth spoke

"She." The women corrected.

"Sorry," a quick apology came before she continued to speak. "She can talk!!!"

"I mean yeah, it's helpful when you're constantly being hunted... sometimes."

"Do you have a name?" Velverosa finally spoke once the two made eye contact again.

She thought for a moment, considering if this would help her or not. Soon she figured there was no way they could use this againt her, so she answered.


"Malori," vel tested out the name under her breath. It just sounded so right. It was a cute name, much like her face.

'Did i really just think that!?' Vel reprimanded herself.

While vel was distracted by her own thoughts she didn't notice how fhaust and malori were currently having a conversation about her scales.

"So do they ever fall off?"

"Yes, then new ones grow."

"Can i take one?"

"No. That would hurt. It's like your skin cells, they fall out naturally without you know but if someone tries to take them out with a knife, it hurts."

It was just then when something unexpected happened. Maloris tail slowly split apart and her scales slowly faded away to reveal two perfectly normal, human legs.

At the moment vel was curious that someone had slipped some very strong drugs into her meal beforehand and this was just some fantasy she has made up, but they're boat hasn't taken off flying yet so vel assumed she will be fine for a bit.

Even if vel was currently high out of her mind, she could not deny that this women in front of them was currently only covered by a flimsy, old blanket.

"I-I'll go get her some clothes." Vel mentioned before walking away into her private chambers.

While vel was walking away she heard malori talking about some other girls that she had met that could change their tails into legs too. Apparently their names were Cleo, Rikki and Emma. Vel didn't really listen to the rest before closing the door.

Immediately vel drifted towards her mirror in her moment of silence. One hand clutching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and fore finger.

Dispite vel closing her eyes the only thing she saw was the memories of her dream replaying in her mind. Somehow drawing the conclusion that malori and her dream were definitely connected.

Quickly she grabbed her coat that she was undoubtedly going to cover malori.

When opening the door again vel was greeted by the continued conversation between malori and her crew.

"Awesome, so we can become mermaids too!?" Conoleth question to a quick reply by malori.

"No, we're currently in the wrong universe-" just then vel wrapped her coat around the women and buttoned it up. Aware of the wide violet eyes watching her as her skilful fingers worked.

When finished vel and malori shared a long pause between them. For once it seemed that the furious captain velverosa was lost for words along with the mermaid who had just been talking none stop before.

"Right, well. I will take her to my room." Vels hands landed on maloris shoulder almost pushing her to vels room. Not like malori had any objections.

As soon as vel had closed the door the crew members unleashed a tsunami of murmurs.

When alone the captain seemed to stay standing at her door while observing how malori investigated her quarters.

"Nice room," malori attempted to break the silence. "So are you going to keep me forever, or will i be able to swim again?"

Completely ignoring maloris question, vel decided to ask her own.

"How did you win over my crew so fast?"

"How do you think mermaids have survived for so long? We have the ability to charm pirates. It really helps when we are in tricky situations."

Vels thoughts were then full of all the mermaid legends she had heard of. What malori said does make sense.

"If you let me go i promise I'll visit, I'll even bring a friend." Malori tried to bat her eyelashes at vel, obviously attempting to charm her.

Unfortunately, it worked.

They say if you love someone you need to let them go, and if they love you too they will come back.

That's exactly what happened.

It became routine for vel to wait on the dock longer than the others and watch the water until she saw purple scales.

The two would talk deep into the night, somtimes till the sunrise. Malori was especially useful when fhaust dropped his share of gold into the ocean and malori appeared a couple seconds later to throw it back.

One time malori brought a boy with blue scales, apparently his name was cerik. He was weird. As soon as he saw Melathia he started crying. He came a few times after that and he still keeps in touch with Melathia but vel prefers when she's alone with malori.

H20 REFERENCE!!! Have a wonderful day/night ;)

Malori X Vel One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora