***In exchange?***

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Vel wasn't the type of person to do childish things such as steal other people's belongings for no other reason than to annoy them, certainly not sneaking into her newest generals room while she was away and choosing to take maloris general mask out of everything. Then again malori had recently been pushing her to do things she never thought she'd do.

Truly, she had no idea why she did it. But what she did know was that the look on maloris face was really amusing.

So, for now, vel was just sat at her desk filling out paper work while waiting for the moment malori realises. Malori had been hanging around the demon tower for a few hours now and vel was just iching for her to realise her costumes mask was missing, vel could almost feel her tail behind her swaying.

A knock at the door disrupted vels thoughts of how maloris face would pout in such a cute way that vel would almost consider giving it back, almost.

Already growing irritated with the mysterious knocker, vel couldn't help venom lace into her words, a simple warning to the person behind the door.

"What is it?"

Although her irritation was immediately replaced with a sort of excitement when vel saw the fimilair auburn hair and kind smile slowly peak through the door.

"H-hey, um, i was just wondering if you had seen my demon general mask?" A small smile found its way to vels face which malori hadn't seen since she was rambling on.

"I know i shouldn't be talking to you about this but- but the pookas told me that they saw you in my room before and i was just curious if you saw it while you were in there?" Finally, after finishing her sentence malori stoped flicking her eyes around the room and looked at vel while her hands continued to fidget behind her.

"Yes, i did." Vel said while standing up, leaning her hip againt the desk in a way that made malori question the mischieviously look in her eyes.

"Great, do you know where it was..." Maloris sentance slowed as she saw that the object she had been seeking for was perched on vels desk.

"Oh, it's right there." The smile on maloris face was almost enough to distract vel from her current movments to grab the mask.

Right before malori was able to reach the mask though, vel already grabbed it.  At first malori assumed vel would have wanted to give it to her personally - although she had no idea why - so she let vel take it and just stared at her with awaiting eyes.

After a few seconds malori came to the conclusion that vel was probably not going to give it back.

"Can i have it?" Malori stood closer towards so the two were only centimetres apart. A proximity that would have left malori nosebleeding if she wasn't so focused on keeping up her cool factor.

"No, i don't want to." Vels smile grew as malori brows furrowed in confusion.


"Why not?" Vel even surprised herself with that response, she never thought that her answer to a simple question could be so childish (me, who answers every question with this response).

Vel, with a new fond curiosity, held up maloris mask and examined it with the ulterior motive to just tease malori (basically saying "haha i have this, you don't").

Deciding to be bold malori quickly reached up to vels hand right before vel pulled away, holding the mask slightly higher, just out of maloris reach.

"That's not fair!" Malori squeaked out in a higher pitched tone then she wanted as she continued trying to reach higher and higher for a seemingly pointless goal.

After hearing malori huff out in annoyance and walking away vel grew curious to were she was going. The malori she knew would never just give up.

Vel confusion was soon answered when she saw malori grab a chair from across the room and drag it over to vel. Vels smile only grew.

Quickly steping ontop of the seat malori tried to reach up to grab her mask. Her movements forward were soon followed with vel taking one step back.

Glaring, malori stepped back down, moved the chair and stood on it again, soon followed by a step back again.

This repeated one more time before malori saw that vel was nearing the wall behing her now, trying out her new confidence malori smiled, stood on the chair like before but this time jumped.

"Shi-" were the last words heared before a giant slamming noise erupted. It seemed malori was incorrect assuming that behind vel was a wall, which was instead a door. A door that wasn't closed properly. A door that opened very easily. A door that was now broken and on the floor, under the two who were currently laying on top of each other.

Looking up, vel questioned how she could have never seen how pretty a human could be. Although she was confused on maloris expression; she looks scared yet she also looks like she wants to burst out laughing.

Concluding that malori was probably waiting for her reaction, vel decided it would be best to let a small chuckle slip, which in turn allowed malori to laugh to the point of tears. To the point she almost forgot what they went through all of this for.

Malori, seeming to come back to her senses and realising that currently she was laying ontop of her life-long crush. Hastly getting up, malori turned around trying to slow her nosebleed down.

Looking down at the mask in her hand, vel was hoping that her actions would grab the attention of her love interest again.

"You have impressed me malori," turning around, vel was met with a very flushed face and no doubt that hers was probably the same. "For your efforts I'm willing to offer you a deal." Golden eyes met violet.

"What deal?"

"I will give you your mask back in exchange for...." vel paused to think about what she could possibly want from malori, even though she already knew the answer.

"In exchange?" Malori mirrored the words hoping to get vel to continue talking.

"In exchange for... a kiss." Malori would have assumed vel was joking in it had not been the serious look in her eyes and the same step vel took tawards her.

Vel leaned down the maloris level, looking up at her through her eyelashes, a small smile on her lips with her eyes focused on maloris.

Holding her breath malori answered,

"I accept."

Oh why god can't this happen to me???

Malori X Vel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now