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Malori is a high school student while vel is the principal and they're dating in secret.

Modern AU:

Maloris classes were moving along normally until she felt a buzz coming from her pocket. curiously malori reached for her pocket and pulled out her phone from underneath the desk.

Looking down, malori read the first notification on her lock screen.

💖My love💖

'I'm so bored, entertain me~'

Curiously, malori turned down her brightness and hid her phone more before clicking the screen to view the photo.

Her eyes widened as blush climbed from her neck to her ears.

On her screen was a side view of her girlfriend. Teasingly cutting off the view just below her shoulders. Eyes nearly completely black with lust and and hair spread out on the mattress. A toothy smile on her face, revealing her fangs. Her creamy skin contrasting with the light blush on her face. A sudden need to have vels hot mouth pressed up against her skin and leaving bite marks all over her forced the blush on her face to darken in colour.

Reluctantly, malori tore her eyes off of the lips of her girlfriend, put her phone face down and continued with her work in hopes it would distract her.

A couple minutes passed before a vibration on lap caught her attention.

Afraid of what she might see malori thanked her seating in the back of the class and slowly looked at the notification.

💖My love💖

'Is my baby girl ignoring me? Looks like you will need a punishment when you come home.'

Again malori tapped the image and found her girlfriend in a black lingerie with handcuffs hanging off a pointed out finger.

Her face was blurred out by a flashing light from her phone through the mirror. Also malori could see in the background of the photo was some other bedroom toys that vel is probably going to use on her later.

Just as the blushing mess's gay mind was trying to process this what will happen to her.

She received a new message.

This one was a voice mail.

Immediately malori raised her hand and asked for permission to go to the bathroom.

The brunette said a silent thank you when she noticed that all of the bathroom stalls were empty and she had passed no one on the way over here.

Carfully the student hid in a bathroom stall and played the voice mail.

"Uhhhhh, ohhhh malori.... ohhhh malori, yes..... you've been such a bad girl.... ahhhhhh, i can't wait for you to get home so i can wrap my fingers around your neck a make yo-"

In that moment malori stopped the recording before she discovered that her croch was growing increasingly more damp.

Sitting on the toilet seat, malori wasn't sure what she should do.

Her mind was scream to just pretend to be sick, go home and let vel have her way with her. But there was another part of her that liked seeing vel being needy for her attention and wanted to torture vel a bit more before giving in to the constant pulls towards her mistress.

While malori was muddling over what to do, another message was sent from her girlfriend. A video.

Clicking 'play' was a huge mistake.

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