***lost in the woods 9/9**

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Hours past and the group finally realised that the sun was setting when the light strated to fade dim in the cave.

All humans seemed to go their separate ways, obviously cautious to having to share a space with demons.

Everyone partnered up with someone to share a tent with except for malori and cerik who insisted that they would be fine sleeping around demons.

The dim light transferred to darkness after only minutes.

Cerik and Melathia were sleeping suspiciously close for comfort, well maybe for them but not for anyone watching them.

Malori was sleeping on the same part on the floor where vel had put her this morning.

Meanwhile, vel was far from sleep.

Her eyes quickly agusted to the dark which just made it harder to sleep when she could clearly see the outline of her girlfriend.

The demon queen came to the realisation that she would not get a wink of sleep tonight if her little human was not in her arms.

Without wasting time the dragon scooped malori in her arms just like the way she did when she brought her here and she walked her out.

The dragoness seemed to be getting distracted in the mits of have malori in her arms again that she hadn't relized she had been walking through the woods for half an hour.

When the dragon finally stopped her plesent walk through the forest she looked around at the scenery around her.

There was no doubt about it, this spot was the same as when they woke up in this miserable place.

The dragoness didn't think much of it and instead she laid herself down with malori on top of her.

Almost like malori was her own blanket.

And there the tired demon was finally able to rest.

Hours past before the queen opened her eyes again to find herself and malori in her bedroom in the exact position that they were just in.

"Good morning, I had the weirdest dream." The mage said.

"Yeah, so did I." The queen stated back.

Meanwhile everyone else that had been in that dream was waking up wondering the same thing.

I had no idea where this story was going soooooo.... have a wonderful day/night ;)

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