***axe cutting***

688 23 18

Set in the current time in mage and the demon queen. WARNING: Short domestic chapter.

The group of four had just left the hidden elf village and yet it was already getting dark. Quickly vel was able to find a clearing in some of the trees below them and flew down.

Vel, quickly caught malori as she fell, offering a sly smile before she gently set her down and left her to set up camp. Almost like she had practiced it beforehand.

"Master, I'm the luckiest person ever!" Cecilia chose to simply ignore malori and hope she would get the hint but she new malori would probably bring the topic up again, till then Cecilia will enjoy the quiet and try to blow malori off at every turn.

With a pout malori went to go help fillone set up camp for a few minutes before wondering where her dragon girlfriend had actually wondered off too.

"Where did vel go?"

"Why? Miss her already?" Cecilia slyly remarked only to be ignored.

"I asked her to go pick up some fire wood, i think she went that way."

Malori said her thanks then went to explore and find her girlfriend. Malori, though, was completely unprepared to see vel lightly sweating and using her magical swords in axe shape to chop up a tree she must have previously cut down.

Pick up the axe. Flex muscles. Smash axe down. Destroy plank of wood. New wood on tree stump.

That was the cycle that followed for the next couple minutes where malori just couldn't look away. Vel must have seen her because instead of useing the axe vel decided to show off and pick up the next plank of wood, it looked bigger than the rest, and then rip it apart with nothing but her hands.

"That was hot." Malori commented loud enough for vel to hear while walking out of her hiding spot.

"You think so?" Vel said breathlessly and picking up the rest of the wood and handing a few pieces to malori which she gladly accepted.

"Yeah, can you do that to me next?"

"You want me to rip you apart?" Vel looked at malori confused.

"Yes. I want you to destroy me." It was almost concerning how malori was keeping a straight face while telling vel to destroy her.

"Oh, really?" Vel took the chanse to lean in close to malori, hoping to steal a few... a lot of kisses.

"Hey you two! We need fire over here!" Cecilias voice broke the moment, giving vel another reason to despise the women besides just flirting with her nanny.

A small giggle from malori made vels face soften. Holding the wood, vel took the ones in maloris hands and stacked it on hers, trying to show off again.

It wasn't because of her lack of strength, but of her lack of balance that made the stack fall over. Another giggle from malori in turn  making vel laugh aswell.


"I haven't seen vel laugh like that in ages." Fillone smiled to herself as the two lovebirds walked over to the camp, now sharing the load.

"Why didn't we just use magic to create a fire-" Cecilia started before fillone covered her mouth with a single finger.


This chapter is for you @aminerules, sorry i didn't make it in time (still hope you enjoy it though), have a wonderful day/night ;)

Malori X Vel One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora