***maloris sick day***

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I did find the motivation under my pillow! Thanks for the advice.

"Malori, i insist that you take a day off." Queen velverosa scolded at the mage who continued to work dispite already going through five tissue boxes.

"I'm sorry love, but there's no time i must finish this by the end of the weeeeeekkkkk!." By the time malori had come to the end of her sentence, velverosa scooped the girl up and carried her to their room in the same way the dragon did all throughout the twos honeymoon (ohhhhh that gives me a fanfic idea).

A rush of excitement washed through malori but was ultimately disappointed why she way just placed on the soft mattress, but the hungry stares eyeing her body still remaining.

The feeling of a sheet covering her body was soon put in place before a larger, warmer body was huddled next to malori.

"But vel, you might get sick."

"Nonsense, dragons don't get colds." (uh-hu, i believe ya)

The two wedded couple laid there for a couple hours before a knock on the door awoke them from their slumber.

"Go away!" Vel shouted at the unknown person after reluctantly leaning out of the crook of maloris neck.

"I'm sorry queen velverosa, but this is urgent!" The mysterious voice from outside sounded like fhausts.

"Well it can wait!" Immediately the demon showed that she was done with the conversation by relaxing into maloris soft embrace again.

Foot steps could be heared decreasing into silence from outside.

"Vel, are you sure about that? That could have been important." Malori said in a concerned tone.

"Nothing is more important then you." The queen said like that was a obvious fact that everyone would know.

Malori felt her face heating up, in result a clawed hand was placed on her forehead.

"Malori, you have a very high fever, are you sure you don't need to go to fhaust?" These words left the dragons mouth in such an innocent way that it almost seemed like she was blind to the effect she was having on her wife.

"Y-yeah, I'm sure." Malori assured her partner who didn't seem to belive the words at first but just ended up leaning back into maloris embrace.

The two enjoyed eachothers company again, but this time weren't interrupted by noisy genrals. This time the generals were just leaning, ear flat against the door, listening to the conversation.

Finally! Its done! Thank you for all the patience waiting for this. Have a wonderful day/night ;)

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