***sibling rivals 2/5***

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I just love the song and it also in a weird way, heather chandler... reminds me of vel.

After science the classes seemed to go quicker. One by one, maths, english and sport all passed until the last bell of the day finally rang.

Malori rushed to pack her stuff away and was the first of her classmates to step outside of the door.

The auburn girl squeezed through the crowd of people rushing to grab their stuff and leave.

After a couple minutes malori finally made it to the front of the school where she waited for the princess to arrive.

A couple of minutes passed before the stomping and laughing of a group aproch.

Looking up from the book she was reading she was greeted by a familiar silver haired girl with a scowl on her face and a huge blush, she looked as if she was going to murder each and every one of them. While the generals were just laughing. The demon queen pointed her middle finger into the air, indicating that she had had enough of there teasing. Luckily the generals got the message and left, but they hadn't stopped their laughing.

Velverosa breathed out a sigh and walked towards a black porsche with red leather seats on the inside, maloris eyes were still following the queen just like the clicking of her heels.

After opening the door velverosa was about to get in before she looked in maloris derection.

Immediately maloris face heated up, she forced the book she was holding in front of her face, breaking the contact. A little to fast to convince that she was just reading.

The demon queen of high school just rolled her eyes and sat in her seat but didn't drive away.

Malori was able to see through the lightly tinted windows that velverosa was reapplying her red lipstick. The blushing mess of a girl found her eyes lingering on the queens lips.

Until another familiar blonde haired girl ran up to her,
"Hey malori!" The enthusiastic girl almost shouted out.

The princess had her arms wrapped around maloris neck from behind her. Making the red head stumble back a little before catching herself and smiling at leoras friendly gesture.

After a couple seconds of the hug malori started to feel a little uncomfortable. Malori let out a cough hoping that it would snap the princess out of the daydream she was having behind her.

Leoras face turned beet red as she pulled away apologising profusely.

But instead the princess intertwined their hands and pulled malori along the road.

Thats when a question poped in the auburn haired girls hollow head.

'Why are we walking?'

Her sister is sitting over there with a car and her dad is the principal, theres a big chance that the princess can just drive home.
"Do you mind if I ask a question?"
"Of course not." The princess replied.
"Why are we walking?" Malori saw leoras face darken a little before being covered up by a bright smile.
"Well my dad always has to stay at work a little longer and.... my sister, its no secret she doesn't like me but she is supposed to drive me home, she just... doesn't. I remember one time when it was storming and i didn't bring an umbrella. I begged her to drive me home but she just drove away, she said 'the only way I would get in her car is if I was about to die'." A small laugh escaped her but it was clear the the princess was upset. Malori felt a twine of guilt pass through her.
"Why don't you just tell your dad?" Another question left malori.
"I would, but vel wouldn't like that." Another twine of guilt.

When they were walking malori saw the same black porsche and girl pass by them clearly she was done fixing her make-up.

A couple more minutes of walking and malori came face to face with a huge mansion. It may aswell have been a castle.

The princess opened the door conected to the white wall that was known as a 'fence'.

This house was no doubt more than ten times bigger than maloris. When leora opened the two black doors to reveal her house malori could only stand there in aw.

The floors were tiled with white marble with two semetrical staircases leading up to a second floor which malori couldn't quite see. In front, covered by painted white wooden poles leading up to the ceiling to support the second floor is white marbled kitchen. There were cupboards drilled into the wall behind and a large, black marbled, flat rectangle retreating out of the floor. Seats were set by it and over in a corner malori saw a little walk in pantry.

There were so many things to look at that malori could only take in the kitchen before leora dragged her up the right staircase.

Passing by all the photos hung up on painted white walls it seemed that there were only pictures of leora, not one of them were of the eldest.

Finally the princess opened one door at the end of the hallway to reveal what seemed to be her room.

There was a gaint window and little balcony which revealed the back garden, seeming to go on for miles. Freshly cut grass and a huge pool with no particular shape what so ever and a rock water fall at the edge of it. There were sun bathing seats on the eade of the body of water on smoth rock floors while others were actually in the water. In fact, the pool was so large that there were some rocks making the shape of a pathway across of it. There was also what looked like a bar in the middle of the pool with seats surrounding it. And over a couple meters away and higher than the body of water was what looked to be a spa.

Meanwhile in leoras room, it was very large. There was a bookshelf with a marble desk next to it and a large bed covered in stuffed toys and over in the corner was a door, most likely a walk in closet. The bed had manly blankets over it one of which was what leora was sitting on.

Malori didn't quite feel comfortable in this house yet so she just took a seat on the floor on top of a fluffy rug.

While unpacking her stuff she remembered that this subject wasn't due until a couple of months from now so malori got the feeling that she would be visiting leoras house a lot.

"Malori, i have to go get something, could you start while I'm gone?" The princess question.

"Of course." Malori gave her a smile as she left, closing the door behind her. The girl put on her glasses that she has had since elementary school and began reading the page their teacher had given to them to explain the topic and what they had to do.

Malori was half way done when she heard the door open and a voice follow it.

"Hey brat! You forgot your-"

Malori X Vel One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin