***shining knight 1/2***

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Malori was your normal knight in shining armor. No, she wasn't normal, she was better then that.

Moving from Kingdom to Kingdom, completing quests and constantly having marriage proposals being thrown her way everywhere she looked.

The famous knight was known all over the land, many considered themselves lucky to even see her in person.

Considering that she is on such high demand, she would only vist the kingdoms that problems sound very serious.

The kingdom of flostel. Thats where she was headed now. There was news that a dragon had been spotted terrorising the villages.

Malori would have just ignored it. No one has seen a dragon in decades. It's not like one will just show up out of the blue now and this has happened before.

A small kingdom had claimed to have a huge dragon attacking them but when malori had arrived it was just a giant party being thrown in maloris honour and arrivel.

The knight knew that the princess of this kingdom had an... attraction towards her and that the princess probably would lie to get malori there but for some reason this actually felt important. Like something was pulling at her, telling her to go to the kingdom and find the dragon.

She didn't know what it was but malori always followed her gut.

It's 80% of her decision making. Granted, not all of malori decisions are.... great, but she is still alive, so that has to count for something.

Off she went.

In addition to having a dragon waiting for her she also had a creep waiting for her.

'Creep', 'dumbass', 'weirdo' the list goes on. But of course his real name is, Cerik, maloris best friend, also known as the second best weapons maker in the land, behind his farther of course.

Flostel happens to be maloris comfort kingdom, considering that it's where she did grow up.


Arriving had been a big commotion for everyone. As usual princess Leora had tried to kiss malori again with the normal turning of the head. She's trying to save her first kiss for someone special.

Dispite maloris clear rejection to the princess, leora continued to grip maloris arm and drag her around to the castle.

The knight must admit, it is nice being filled in on everything that has been going on in flostel, it's been awhile.

Dispite being told that there was a dragon it was still a shock for it to be confirmed.

Witnesses claimed that they had seen the dragon terrorising a nearby village called aphtos and ultimately ending in it's people going up in flames.

Not one pour soul was found. Yet it was a little uneasy that there were not corpses found either.

Have a wonderful day/night ;)

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