10. 'Pout'

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AN: hey! sorry for the long wait, but i seriously rushed this because i wanted to update before the new year so yeah here it is! the long awaited date, hope you like it :) you know the drill read, vote, comment! 

Jo’s POV

I pulled up in front of Jennies house and took a deep breath, alright Jo time to do what you do best. Which shall hopefully be Jennie...

Shaking my head I got out of the car and headed up towards Jennies door and rang the bell, I was only standing there for a few seconds when the door swung open and Jennie emerged from behind it, and dear lord what did she have on!

My jaw dropped open and I couldn’t move.

My girl was wearing a sleeveless, red dress which totally did her legs justice.


Nope I still couldn’t respond.

“Jo? Are you alright?” she asked again

“Just give me a minute cupcake, I need to absorb this”

She looked at me confused for a minute “absorb what?”

“How fucking sexy you look right now, that’s what”

She blushed like crazy and hid her face behind her hair, which I suddenly noticed was straighten and down, it suited her. Guess I wasn’t the only one who went all out for out date...

I raised my eyebrow at her, she dressed to impress and I was sure as hell was impressed.

Stepping closer towards her I invaded her personal space and made direct eye contact “you look so good cupcake you have no idea the images running through my mind right now”

“I can guess” she whispered her eyes locked on mine

I chuckled and pecked her lips lightly before removing myself from her, I couldn’t stand being that close and not taking it further which I so wanted to do. Badly.

“you ready then cupcake”

She nodded and closed the door checking her purse for her keys before following me to my car, being the lady I am I opened her door for her and waited for her to get in, she looked at me in surprise which caused me laugh.

“what? Just cause I obviously want your hot body doesn’t mean I can’t be romantic about it” I joked getting behind the wheel and driving off.

Jennie only rolled her eyes at me, and I laughed more she really shouldn’t underestimate me...

Turning down the radio I decided to use this time to get to known my cupcake more.

“so was the outfit your choice or your friends?” I asked, I highly doubted she chose that sexy little number herself.

it's just tutoring... (Lesbian stories) ON HOLD Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum