8. "Meow..."

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Jennie’s POV

I can do this...

I can do this...

I can do this...

I peaked around the corner, slowly; then quickly ducked behind the wall again when I saw Jo leaning against her locker surrounded by her friends talking.

Ok, Jennie.

Heather trained you for this.

I can do this.

Just remember to breathe.

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...

“Why are you meditating in the middle of the hallway?! Don’t you have a task to complete?”

I glared at Heather through my glasses, “I’m TRYING to prepare myself”

 Heather smirked, “Just remember. You’re a sexy cat. And SHE knows it”

I swallowed nervously, “Are you sure?”

Heather put a hand on her hip and shook her head at me

“Stop doubting your sexiness, I mean have you forgotten our lesson or should I say lessons we did yesterday, already?”

My face heated up at the reminder of yesterday

“Don’t remind me...” I muttered under my breath


I placed my hand over her mouth quickly shushing her,

“Why are you so loud?! This isn’t drama!” I whisper yelled at her, poking my head round the wall checking no one had heard Heather’s little pep talk. Sighing in relief when I saw them still engaged in their conversation I released Heather’s mouth from captive, and glared at her.

“Sorry my bad” she shrugged.

Her bad?!

Her big mouth!

What if Jo had heard her? Oh god. I would have never heard the end of it!

Sighing, I leant against the wall.

“I can’t do this Heather...”

“What do you mean, you can’t do this?”

I groaned out loud, great now I have the dynamic duo on my case, dropping my gaze from the ceiling I looked down at Sandra would had decided to join in this conversation. That I so desperately wanted to leave...

“Well... You can’t be giving up already? You haven’t even tried yet”

“Yes I can.”


  I shoved my hand over Heather’s mouth again

“Indoor voice!” I whisper yelled

Glaring at her before removing my hand YET again


“You can’t quit Jennie.  There’s never been a task too hard for you to complete, so why can’t you do this?” Sandra asked

I looked at her for a minute, then down at my feet “honestly Sand I can’t answer that question”

“Come on Jen your just scared is all, just remember that your-”

“A sexy assed cat, I know I know” I sighed having heard it all yesterday

When Heather didn’t respond and neither did Sandra I looked up at them to see them staring behind me with wide eyes and open mouths, um what’s up with them?

it's just tutoring... (Lesbian stories) ON HOLD Where stories live. Discover now