21. Krystal clear

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AN: Sorry for the wait, it's finally up chapter 21!

Jo’s POV

I came downstairs in nothing but a towel didn’t exactly feel like putting on clothes just yet. What? It’s a Sunday. I should be still in my underwear sleeping with my cupcake but she has responsibilities. Why am I dating a good girl? Oh, I remember now.

I saw my cupcake on the phone in the kitchen she was wearing a thin bare vest top and some very snug pyjama shorts, I tilted my head to the side leaning against the archway of the kitchen just enjoying the view. Maybe I can convince her to come to the darkside, in those shorts preferably.

“Ok, thanks, see you soon” Jennie hung up the phone and turned jumping back in surprise when she noticed me standing there “Jo?! How long you been standing there?” She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders “long enough to wonder why you’re still in those shorts? And your ass not in my hands”

She gave me a stern look, damn my heart. Have I ever mentioned how awesome role playing with this girl could be? That look would make any person want to turn bad just so she could teach you a lesson in – “Jo?!”

I shook my head, wow I need to stop wandering so much. “Hm? Yes cupcake?” She sighed “I’m going to take a shower please be dressed by the time I’m out and ready”

“Aw, out and ready? Does that mean you won’t get dressed in front of me? You know give me a little show?” I teased; she blushed and shook her head “no, I will not! Ugh, you’re terrible sometimes Jo” I laughed “of course I know, that’s why you fell for me” she rolled her eyes and stormed pass me back up the stairs the action causing me to laugh again. Aw she knows it’s true, didn’t hear her denying it.

When I heard the shower turn on I went and found my clothes and got dressed heading back downstairs to make some coffee cause damn it’s too early to be up on a Sunday. You’re lucky I like you Cupcake I thought as I sipped my coffee. It’s really quiet, at my house by now my dad would be breaking something tryna be a DIY man, I scoffed out loud the man should really learn how to use the phone and admit defeat. Do you know how long the dish washer hasn’t worked for? Long enough for Jake’s second name to be washer ‘Jake Washer’ cause I ain’t doing it. And then Jake blaring out his gosh awful music from his room, swear he does it to piss me off. Why is he listening to it so loud on a weekend morning?! Doesn’t he own headphones?!

Yet Jennies house was too quiet, where’s her parents? I see photos of them hung up in the hallway; maybe they’re workaholics or something. My wondering was cut short as Jennie walked down the stairs her hair in a high ponytail and wearing those fuck me now glasses and a very cute blue dress with matching pumps. Nice. Extremely nice.

I smiled as she walked in, “hey cupcake, good shower?” she nodded and accepted the coffee I handed to her taking small sips before placing it back down coughing a bit “how strong do you make it Jo?!”  I shrugged coffee must be strong otherwise it just doesn’t work, you need that kick start.

“So you plan on leaving me for a bunch of snotty nose kids?” I ask

“She’s not a snotty nosed kid, as it is just one girl who’s ten, and I’m not leaving you either woman” she said.

I looked at her in surprise raising an eyebrow “oh really now? You’re not?” I inquired.

She shook her head a devilish smirk playing at the corner of her lips as she attempted drinking the coffee again, that smirk looked like pure evil and mischief. I loved it, sooo hot. “I’m dragging you along with me”

“Huh?” I wasn’t listening, her tongue just darted out to moisten her lips and in that moment I was jealous of a tongue. A tongue? I sound like Polly, I shook my head zoning back in. “What did you say cupcake? Mind was elsewhere”

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