17. Bed and breakfast?

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Jo's POV

I smirked at her, liking the discomfit I was causing with my nakedness.

I'm very proud of my body and if you've got it flaunt it that's what I say.

"JO?! WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!" Jennie screeched closing her eyes tight shut to avoid staring but it was too late I'd already saw her wide eyes take me and at that precise moment, I knew.

"You want me." I stated clearly

Her eyes snapped open "what?" she choked out

"You. Want. ME." i said more clearly, pointing my arm towards my body and signalling to myself

Her eyes widen in shock horror before her whole face burned crimson, "i do not!"

i rolled my eyes "sure you don't, if you didn't I'm pretty sure your eyes wouldn't be straying from my face right now"

If it were possible her blush deepen averting her eyes towards the floor "i was not" she mumbled, aw my poor cupcake was embarrassed for being caught.


"Hey, i don't mind you admiring this body as long as you return the favour"

She looked up then with a confused face on her "what do you mean return the favour?"

"Well... i mean you let me admire your sexy body too because its smoking and i really don't think you appreciate how good you actually look cupcake"

She looked at me a little dazed for a moment letting what I said sink in before shaking her head furiously "no way Jo!"

I pouted at her, yes I'm allowed to pout and she's not. Hey it's for her safety!

"Aw come on cupcake today's Saturday and it's officially body appreciation day soooo.... You've gotta let me appreciate your body if you won't, technically"

"Who says I won't?" she retorted

"Please, how do you even appreciate yourself; by starving yourself? Hiding behind baggy clothing? Yeah that's really appreciating your body cupcake" I said sarcastically

"Hey! I do not starve myself thank you very much and secondly it's not even body appreciation or whatever you totally just made that up!"

I shrugged "you got me, but that still doesn't make your body more underappreciated come on cupcake let me appreciate you, I promise you won't be left unsatisfied" I added wiggling my eyebrows

she didn't say anything for a while staring at the space behind my head avoiding all eye contact with me, taking charge i stepped forward towards her making her jump back in surprise "Jo what are you doing?! Put some clothes on now!" she shrieked but i ignored her shrills and continued my mission forward.

it's just tutoring... (Lesbian stories) ON HOLD Where stories live. Discover now