11. "G-Ghost...?"

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 AN: Hello, so i decided to write from Polly's POV for a change of pace so i hope you enjoy having a little insight on how Yvanna and Polly's date went... read, vote, comment! 

Polly’s POV

We took our seats in the dark cinema screening room; I was beyond happy right now! I mean 3hours sitting in the dark with Yvanna I mean what could be more great than that?!

Making out for 3hours in the dark with Yvanna....

No! Stop that right now brain! I don’t need those kinds of thoughts running round my mind right now.

Focusing on the screen that was just full of advertisements i turned to face Yvanna who was looking at me that made me quickly turn my face back to the screen, thank goodness it was dark in here because otherwise my recurring blush would be too obvious to hide!

The please turn your phone off advert came on and that meant the movie was hopefully going to start soon! Hooray, cause I’m tired of feeling nervous knowing that Yvanna is right next to me!

Taking out my phone I switched it off, turning to ask if Yvanna had done the same only to be met with an empty space.


Did I miss something here?

I swear she was right there!

I mean I know I have an overacted imagination! But I did not imagine this whole date!

I slumped in my chair in defeat.

And waited for her to magically reappear but it never happened, the lights dimmed and the opening credits began and there was still no sign of Yvanna.

Maybe she went to the toilet perhaps.

Urgh, get a grip she’s probably ditched me.

I mean I know I chose the hobbit but did she really not want to see it that much? Or was it because she was with me?

I could feel myself sinking into a depression and decided to escape the dark cinema screen room and head over to the bathroom.

Walking into the ladies room I noticed it was empty which made my heart sink, was it so hard for her to at least tell me she was leaving might of made my heart break a little more bearable.


Actually it was better this way she wouldn’t see my heartbroken expression. Glaring at myself in the mirror I groaned out in frustration.

“Why are you so weak?” I asked myself. 


A voice entered the bathroom and I panicked, don’t ask me why I decided to lock myself in a stall but I felt being caught giving yourself a prep talk in front of the bathroom mirror would of been kinda, nope very embarrassing.

“Polly? You need there?”

Yvanna? I thought she left.

I kept quiet.

“I know you’re in here”

I sucked in a breath, how did she know?! I didn’t move, or make a sound!

“Polly... I can see your shoes”


Would it be silly to stand on the toilet seat now?

“Polly why are you hiding in the bathroom?” she asked

Hmm, do you think I can talk to her more clearly without looking at her? Maybe, let’s try.

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