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Jo's POV

I stared mindlessly at the hottest girl in world rush out the cafeteria like it was on fire with her friend, Cindy? Sandy? Well whatever her name is hot on her tail after her.

I wish she'd strutted out of here would of gave me more time to ogle her body, cause dam she fine!

Her blond hair trailing down her neck in waves, ice blue eyes that were just hypnotizing I'd just get lost in them and a body that made me want to shove her into the nearest empty classroom and just ravish her til-

"Jo! Seriously dude, stop thinking naughty things about Jennie if you're not willing to share" Craig said smacking me out of my trance, causing me to smirk when Cheryl wacked him round the head.

Those two have an on again off again relationship that we've all decided to bet on, seeing how long each break up lasts right now there off again, I'm betting it takes them two days to get back together

"Fuck! What was that for?" he whined rubbing the sore spot at the back of his head

"If I have to tell you, I'll kill you" she threaten making him sit there with a look of pure concentration thinking about what he did this time,

"HA, don't hurt yourself Craig!" Katy hollered

"Shut up" he mumbled still looking lost,

"I bet it was something really dumb, like forgetting her birthday" Yvanna sided commented, earning a glare from Cheryl, only to cause Yvanna to raise an eyebrow in response

"Say something I dare you"

Cheryl maybe scary but Yvanna's the freakin devil you just don't mess with her.

"And I don't know why you're looking huffy for it's not like it's the first time" she added

"What?! Babe is it your birthday?" Craig panicked earning another one of Cheryl's famous whacks

"No moron it's not, and if you ever forget my birthday again I swear you'll never see your own birthday"

"Yeah forgetting five times is just embarrassing Craig" Yvanna smirked, Cheryl was just about to say or more like yell at Yvanna when Polly spoke up,

"Sooo.... Anyone see that eye foreplay Jo was having with Jennie? What was that all about hmm?"

Great thanks Poll just because you didn't want to see Yvanna get in yet another fight, she always did feel like it was her job to be peace maker, then again she's the only one that can really calm Yvanna down; jeez those two need counselling, no actually Yvanna just need anger management classes

"Jo?" Polly called

Oh yeah, her question

"It was nothing just a harmless eye contest" I shrugged

"Uh huh," Yvanna flicked water at me

"Hey! Dude? What was that for?"

"What? Your pants were on fire had to do something"

Urgh, Yvanna ever the sarcastic one; shaking my head I told them about the tutoring session I have after school with Jennie

"So this 'study' date you actually gonna study?" Katy quizzed

I raised an eyebrow "What do you think?"

They all laughed

"Really, does that mean girl on girl action in the library after school I'm so there!" Craig hollered turning to high five Brad who shook his head

it's just tutoring... (Lesbian stories) ON HOLD Where stories live. Discover now