4. Quiet in the library!

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Jo’s POV

I sat there staring at her face, studying every inch of it; I never wanted to forget it, she was just so pretty... why wouldn’t she let me love her?


Where’s Craig?

That damn librarian is hovering around like an annoying moth

“You listening?!” Jennie sighed looking up from her textbook pushing her glasses further up her nose, wonder if she would be up for role playing games she’d make one sexy student and me her...


I snapped back into reality, blinking a couple of times before I stared at Jennie to see a pissed off expression plastered on her face

“Damn could you at least pretend to be listening?”

“I thought I was” I shrugged innocently

Letting out a deep breath she stood up from the desk, “I’m going to get another textbook...maybe one with more pictures...” she muttered to herself heading in the direction of the books

When she was out of sight I flipped out my phone and texted Craig

Where the FUCK r u!!!!

I stared at my phone straggling Craig through it

Damn chill I’m ah comin

No he’s not!

Hurry ur arse up!


Sheesh someone’s horny

True. But still!



“Stupid idiot” I hissed at my phone slamming it shut, just as someone entered the library looking up I saw Craig with a goofy grin on his face, bought time!

I watched as he told some lie about some teacher needing the librarian right away, when she finally seemed convinced and left.  Craig turned to look at me and humped the air aiming in the same direction Jennie was in, rolling my eyes I flipped him the bird getting up from the desk heading towards Jennie, feeling a certain someone hadn’t gotten the message I pointed at Craig’s balls and made a snapping motion with my hands, suddenly there was a slamming of the doors closing... yup I think he got the message.

Now, Jennie let’s see where you’re hiding...

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