14. "Stay."

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AN: hey just a quick update! so read, vote and comment! hope you like it...


The finishing credits began to run on the screen and I yawned I tired now, can't beat a good Scream movie.

Looking down at the empty bowl in my hands I leaned over a snoozing Jennie placing it on the coffee table before switching the TV off; glancing down at her as she stirred a little in her sleep while I moved before burying herself more into my side. I chuckled she looked so adorable at that moment in time that if I could of taken a picture I so would of, but I'd left my phone upstairs. Damn.

I think I better go now? It's not that I didn't want to stay, because trust me I do. I just don't want to overstay my welcome. Sighing I carefully un-lodged myself from underneath Jennie who made a sound of protest before breathing lightly again. Well might as well clear up before I go, picking up the bowl I headed into the kitchen and began washing up something; I NEVER did in my own kitchen, please this is the twenty first century let the men do the dishes! Well them and the dish washer... ah my savior.

I think I'll leave a note to say that I've left... wonder where I could find some paper and a pen. Well this is Jennie's house so there's bound to be... Bingo! Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a pad and pen left on the counter it looked like it was used for shopping lists. Guess it'll have to do; I finished up doing the dishes and was halfway through writing the note when I heard someone call my name, but it sounded more like a wail?

Doing a complete three sixty I spun around to make sure I was indeed alone in this kitchen, before I continued writing shaking my head I'm turning into Polly I thought.


Ok that time I definitely heard my name being called.


Who's calling me? I left Jennie asleep on the sofa, right? "Jo?!" ok maybe she woke up, I quickly hurried back to Jennie who was by now fully awake and looked quite dishevelled. I crouched down in front of her turning her head to face me she was breathing heavily sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead. What happened? I only went to wash the dishes.

"Jennie?" I said cautiously

She blinked a couple of times just staring at me panting, I decided to give her a few minutes to collect her thoughts gently brushing the loose strands of her hair behind her ear that had seemed to have broken free. This gesture must have sparked something because she started to speak.


I sighed and so she still has the power of speech! "Yeah it's me cupcake"

"Where did you go?"

"The film finished so I decided to go wash up the bowl, then leave"

"y-you w-was going to l-leave?"

Damn she made it feel like I was abandoning her. "Uh... yeah" her face crumpled up in pain and immediately knew i NEVER wanted to see that expression again, let alone be the cause of it.

"No, not like that! It's just i thought you would of wanted me to leave, you know before your parents get back"

She shook her head slightly "they won't be back tonight" she whispered

They won't?

I gazed down at her wondering where to go from here, her eyes were already closing but she was fighting hard to keep them open.

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