Chapter 15 - Aelin

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I awoke to Rowan's arms around me, his own eyes open and bright.

"How long?" I asked.

"Three days," he replied.

I got up with a sigh. Quickly dressing before I remembered Feyre's wings.

"Feyre, is she ok?" I asked my mate who was sat on the edge of the bed staring at me.

"She's still asleep, we don't know how her powers differ to ours." He replied.

'Aelin, are you awake?' her voice sounded in my head.

'yes, are you ok?' I replied.

'I can't move,' she told me, and I shook my head.

"She's awake, we should probably go and see her." I told him.

"How do you know?" he asked frowning.

"Feyre can mind talk, you know that." I said as I opened the door.

Fenrys was lying outside, he got up as he saw us. He jumped up at me, placing his paws on my shoulders and licking my cheek.

"I missed you too mut," I said with a small laugh before Rowan took me to Feyre.

I pushed the door open and saw her lying on her front, her massive wings spread out behind her.

"Well that is quite a sight," I said with a chuckle.

"That isn't funny Aelin, I can't move." She hissed.

"Can I help?" I asked as I walked to her sides.

"Yes, could you untangle them please." She replied as she tried to shift them.

Both of her wings were tangled with a blanket and she really couldn't move them at all.

I couldn't stop my chuckle as I walked over to her and began untangling them. each brush of my hand on her wings had her flinching.

"Are you ok?" after she flinched for the sixth time.

"My wings are incredibly sensitive, you aren't hurting me it's more of an arousal thing, I don't really understand it still." She replied and I burst out laughing at Rowan's face where he was untangling her other wing.

I quickly finished getting the blanket off her and she lifted her wings up before they seemed to just vanish.

"If you could make them vanish, why did we untangle them?" Rowan asked.

"It doesn't work like that, I could make them vanish because they were no longer under any pressure." She replied as she rolled over and sat up, still in her armour.

I watched as she tapped the gem twice and the armour seemed to dissolve off her until she was back in her jumper and leggings.

"Fireheart why isn't our armour like that?" Rowan asked.

"Because we don't have magic gems, come on, let's go and eat" I replied.

I walked arm in arm with Feyre to the dining hall, Rowan and Fenrys walking behind us. As we walked through the keep whispers followed us but we ignored them all.

As we walked into the dining hall I immediately spotted Yrene, Chaol, Nesryn, Borte, Hasar and Sartaq as well as a man I didn't recognise. We went and sat with them, all of them looking at us in shock.

"You're both awake," Yrene said with a smile.

"That we are, who is the new dude?" Feyre asked.

"Meet our older brother Kashin," Hasar said with a smile.

"Prince," I said as I bowed my head, Feyre following suit.

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