Chapter Twenty-Five - No Emotion [EDITED]

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No Emotion

Xavier's POV

Her words of rejection pierce my heart. It feels as if my heart was being smashed by a sledge hammer repeatedly. I knew I had hurt her.

I knew she'd never love me again, but I didn't think she'd leave me. As selfish as I am, I still wanted her to stay with me. I wanted her by my side all the time. When she woke up earlier in the hospital bed, I could see the difference in her eyes. And when the doctor told her about her loss, I knew I'd lost her.

Her rejection just proved that she lost all her emotions and humanity. Her eyes which were once filled with love and kindness were now dark and empty. She looked lethal. She turns and leaves the room, leaving me by my self.

I can't lose her. I need to get her back, I think to myself. She needs to know that I'm sorry and that I am willing to change to be by her side. And with that, I run after her. I see her in a distance and just as I'm about to say her name, she teleports herself away.

Shit shit shit!!

How am I going to find her now? She could be anywhere now that she's no longer tied to me. She can go anywhere without my spell restricting her. I think of all the places she could be.

I think of her parents house, but cancel it when I remember what I told her. I think of Ryan, but cancel it again. That's when I realize how futile my search is. Another plan comes to mind. One which might not work, but was worth a shot.

I go and stand in the spot she was a few minutes ago and concentrate on her face I try and summon her back, but it doesn't work. It was impossible.

Another idea comes to mind. I concentrate once again on her face and try to follow her wherever she went. I'm transported to her room but as soon as I try to take a step forward, I'm teleported back to the hospital.

What the fuck, I think to myself.

I try again and the same thing happens. Something or someone must have put a spell which prevents anyone from entering without the permission from the one who cast the spell. I teleport myself outside my house and try again.

After the eighth try, I slowly lose hope. I sit on the floor and wait. I don't know how long the spell is going to last so I sit and wait. After two hours, I try again. I'm teleported into her room and wait but nothing happens. I hear screams coming from the dungeon and for the first time, fear grips my heart. I start running towards the dungeon at full speed and knock the door off its hinges and knock the person out of the way.

I look around and notice that the person I smashed into was Scarlett. She slowly gets up and wipes the blood from her lips and smiles at me. I look at the person tied to the chair and I'm surprised when I see my best female warrior, Claire, all bloodied and bruised.

Scarlett did this?, I asked myself.

Turning of her emotions must have given her the courage and strength to beat Claire. I rushed towards Claire and cut all the ropes restricting her.

"Are you OK? Should I take you to the hospital?" I ask her but she doesn't respond. She's barely even breathing and she looks on the verge of death.

"Oh she's fine. Just a few scratches that's all" Scarlett says with a roll of her eyes and I completely lost it.

"Just some scratches? Are you out of your goddamn mind? Do these look like scratches to you? Do you want to kill her?" I ask her, but she just looks at me with a neutral expression.

"She isn't dead as you can see. She's still breathing, unfortunately. So you can shut the fuck up and let me be" she says and teleports herself away.

I turn my attention back to Claire who's still not moving, but breathing.

"Let's get you to the doctor" I say and teleport us to the hospital.

"Another one? Do you abuse girls or something?" the doctor says with wide eyes and I growl at him.

"Watch your mouth. I'm still your King" I say and he bows his head.

"Sorry your highness." he says."What happened to her?" he asks.

"She was tortured. Make sure she's OK. I have some business to attend to" I say and with that, I teleport back to the house, in search of Scarlett.

"Scarlett! Scarlett! Come here right now!" I say and she appears in front of me looking bored.

"What do you want?", she asks.

"Why did you do it?" I ask her and she looks surprised by my question.

"Why? Are you stupid or something? She killed my child! Our child. And you did nothing. After all she has done you still chose her over me. Your fucking mate. She deserves worse and you know it. You're lucky I didn't kill her." she says and I sigh. All what she said was true but I still can't believe she'd try to kill her.

"Don't you think you were a little extreme?" I ask her.

"Extreme? No. Going after someone's mate? That's extreme. Going after an unborn child? That, is extreme. What I did is nothing compared to what she did. She had it coming and you know it. Get ready, cause I'm going to destroy everything you've ever had.  You're going to sit and watch the empire you built come crashing down."she says.

"You? Destroy my kingdom? Why the fuck would you do that?" I ask, my anger getting the best of me again.

"You and your worthless mistress took everything from me. I'm simply returning the favour." She says with a wicked smile.

"What are you going to do?" I ask her and she smiles. Her next words have me frozen in spot.

"I'm going to declare war on your kingdom"

So, what do you think. Was Scarlett too extreme? Lemme know what you think and don't forget to vote and comment.



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