Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Truth [EDITED]

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The Truth

Scarlett's POV

"My father? No, you must be mistaken. My parents died when I was very young, Ryan just said so"

"You don't remember? Those fuckers must have erased your memory of us. On the night you were taken, your mother, Aisha and I, were on our way to the council. At a young age, you started showing signs of something strong, something god-like. The council thought you were a threat, so they wanted to get rid of you. But your mother and I wouldn't allow it. They attacked us and sent your mate, Jake, to our home to kill you." he says and my hands fly to my mouth.

"Jake was sent to kill me?" I ask with a shaky voice. I turn to Ryan who was looking at me with a guilty expression.

"You were with him the night my parents were attacked. You didn't find me. You were sent to kill me." I say.

My father looks at me with sympathy and nods.

"Your mum, who was a witch, used the last bit of her powers to cast a protection spell on you and to free me of the chains they had put me in." he says.

"Wait, mom was a witch? Then that must mean you're an Angel." I say and he nods with a smile.

"Yes dear, your mom was a witch. The best in her coven. You should have your witch powers by now" he says and that's when it clicks in my head.

So that's why I was able to break Claire's bones without touching her and cast a barrier spell on the house, I say to myself.

"Anyways as I was saying. Your mom is a witch. She made me promise to protect you with my life. Not like I wasn't going to do that anyways. I guess she just needed some assurance that I would. After I promised her, she closed her eyes, and that was the last time I saw your mum alive." He says sullenly and my heart aches for him. He lost his love.

"I ran all the way back to our home. But when I got there, you weren't there and the whole place was destroyed. I thought I was too late. That I had failed you and your mother. I searched everywhere for you. Days had turned into weeks which had turned into months and eventually became years. I was about to lose hope when one night, I had a dream. Your mum was contacting me from the spirit world. She told me not to give up. And that you were still alive and working in a music shop. I decided to approach you. But when I got there and I saw you, you felt so different. You had a different aura  around you. It was something dark, something sinister. And you had a different smell around you too. The smell of death and destruction. I knew you wouldn't believe me if I just barged in there claiming to be your dad, so I used a different approach. I told you about how I was looking for a gift for my daughter whose birthday was approaching. After our little chat, I went back to ask your mum why you smelt different. She told me that it was your mate's scent and that was when I found out that Jake was your mate.

The next day, I went back to the music shop but you weren't there. So I decided to come back the day after, but you were still not there. So I asked your colleagues of your address and who your close friends were and they told me about Chad who then gave me your address after some threats" he says.

"What? You didn't expect him to just give you her location. He barely knew you. You could've been sent to kill her for all he knew" Ryan said with a huff and crossed his arms with a pout. I chuckle and shake my head at him.

"You have weird friends by the way" my 'dad' says and I hear Ryan scoff.

"Anyways yes. I went to your house and you were there. You looked so lonely, so I decided to send you a dog, Max. He wasn't just there to keep you company, but to protect you too. Every night, he'd report the events of the day to me. He even mentioned the mirror you got and your friend over there." he says nodding towards a scared looking Ryan who lets out a nervous chuckle.

"It was almost your birthday. I planned on telling you everything but a few days to your birthday, you disappeared again. I called Chad and he said he hadn't heard from you in a while. I confronted him too and he said the same thing. We looked everywhere for you. But we couldn't find you. One night, your mum appeared in my dreams again. She told me that you were safe. And that you were with your mate in the dark world. I asked Chad and Ryan to come with me and well, here we are" he said.

By the time he was done, there were tears in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you in time. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." he says and bows his head in shame.

I get off the ground and hug him.

"It wasn't your fault dad. I'm so glad you're alive" I say and he hugs me back.

My dad is alive. My real dad is alive. I always knew the parents back at home were not my biological parents. We looked nothing alike. My mom back home had platinum blonde hair with green eyes. Dad had black hair and coffee brown eyes. And there was me, hazel eyes now turned red with brown wavy locks of hair. I always suspected I was adopted. I just never thought I was kidnapped.

"I missed you so much Gabriella" he says.

"I missed you too dad" I say.

We hear a groan behind us and I turned and saw Ryan on the ground clutching his stomach in pain.

"Ryan? Whats happening to him?" I ask my dad.

"It's Chad. He's in danger"

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