Chapter four- Memories [EDITED]

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Scarlett's POV

I slapped him.

I slapped my teacher, and I fucking loved it. I don't know where the adrenaline is coming from, but I love it. He looks gobsmacked at my display of both courage and stupidity.

"You don't know anything about me. Absolutely nothing. Don't go walking around and talking shit when you don't know anything about me" I say and with that I turn around and leave him there with his mouth slightly open.

I stumble out and hail a taxi home. I pay the driver and stumble into my apartment, feeling exhausted. Now that the adrenaline had gone, I was now realising the weight of what I had done.

I'm going to be in so much trouble tomorrow. But honestly speaking, I don't give a rat's ass what he does tomorrow. He had no right to speak to me that way.

Ughhh my head hurts.

I stumble into the kitchen and start opening drawers looking for some pain killers.

"Scarlett? Is that you?" my mum says coming down the stairs.

She is going to be pissed when she finds out I am drunk.

"Yes mom, it's me" I say back to her

"What are you doing up so early love, it's 12 am" she says getting closer to where I was still looking for the damn painkillers.

She sniffs the room and scrunches up her nose and disgust

"Are you drunk?" she asks.

I stop looking through the drawers and turn to face her since she entered the kitchen.

"Oh my baby. What's wrong?" she asks and pulls me into a hug and that's when the tears start falling.

I can't believe I lost my job. Now how am I supposed to save her? I think to myself

"She's going to die mum. She's going to die but there's nothing I can do and it's all his fault. I hate him. I hate him so much" I cry into my mum's shoulder.

She says nothing, just rubbing my back, allowing me to cry my heart out. After about 10 more minutes of crying, I finally calm down.

"Are you alright love?" my mum asks and I nod.

"Want to talk about it?" she asks and I nod again.

She moves us to the living room and sits down on the couch and I sit next to her.

"Now tell me love who is dying and whose fault is it" she says. I forgot I didn't tell my mum.

Sigh this is going to be a long conversation.

"You remember Claire?"I start and she smiles and nods

"Of course I do. How can I ever forget her" she says. "She's being your best friend for as long as I can remember. I haven't seen her in about 6 months though. Is she OK?" she adds

"No mum, she is not alright. 7 months ago Claire was diagnosed with coronary artery disease, also known as CAD. It's a medical condition where the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscles become hardened and narrowed. She's been in the hospital since then. And since she has no other friends or any living relatives, I've been working in a music shop and a strip club as a DJ, for the past 6 months, gathering money to pay her bills. But now, thanks to Jake fucking Xavier, I've lost my job at the strip club. The doctor said they need to operate on her soon or she will die" as I say the last part 1fresh tears starts falling down my face again.

"Or honey, I'm so sorry." mum says and pulls me into another hug. Why didn't you tell us earlier? We could have easily paid the bills a long time ago" she says and I sniff them pull back.

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