Chapter Seven- Strange Behaviours [EDITED]

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Scarlett's POV

"Are you OK Scar?/" Ryan asks.

"I'm fine" I say with a shake of my head.

"Let's just start our movie night" I say and sit down on the floor. Ryan comes to sit beside me and covers both of us with the blankets I brought out and we start our movie. After half an hour of fighting over which movie to watch, we finally settled on watching 'Supernaturals'.

Five hours and four episodes of Supernaturals later Ryan, falls asleep. I get up slowly, so as not to wake him up. I take this chance to see what is in the box. I open the box and find, a mirror?

What idiot sends a mirror to someone anyways.

I sigh and I pick it up and place it in front of my bed, so when I wake up every morning I can see the mess that I am. Max jumps off my bed and starts barking at the mirror.

"Shush, bad dog, be quiet. Ryan's sleeping" I say in an attempt to shut him up, but the mutt keeps barking.

Ughhh this dog is starting to really piss me off.

I turn to look at Ryan and thank the heavens he's still sleeping. He's a deep sleeper. Max suddenly stops barking and just sits in front of the mirror.

Huh, what a strange dog, I think to myself and go back to bed and let sleep over take my body.

I wake up the next morning to the sound of the shower running. I groan and turn my back to where the noise is coming from.

Thank god it's the weekend. I'm so tired, I think to myself.

A few minutes later, the door opens and turn just in time to see Ryan coming out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. I don't know how I never noticed this but, he's got a pretty hot body.

From his broad shoulders, to his beautiful six-pack, to the v-line and down_ My thoughts are suddenly interrupted.

"See anything you like" he asks with a smirk on his face.

"I've seem better" I shrug my shoulders and say.

"Of course you have" he says in a teasing way

I roll my eyes and just go back to bed, ignoring him. He chuckles and enters my closet for some extra clothes. He leaves some of his clothes here when we have our movie night because he always sleeps over in the end and doesn't want to go home looking like shit. I told him nobody cared but he insisted and here we are. Minutes later, he comes out fully dressed.

"Ugh Scar, what's wrong with your dog? He's been sitting in front of the mirror doing nothing since I got up" he says and that's when I realise that Max is in deed, in the same position he was last night.

"Where did you get him from anyways?" he asks and I shrug.

"Beats me. He was a gift from_" I stop, not knowing how to continue. Should I tell him or not, I ask myself.

"From who Scar?" he asks, still looking at Max. I clear my throat and say,

"My parents. They gave him to me as an early birthday gift"

I hate lying to Ryan but I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth. I don't know why but I feel like I should were meant just for me. I wanted to keep the letters and weird gifts to myself.

Ryan seems to buy the lie and doesn't question me anymore. He bends down to pet Max but all of a sudden, Max snaps out of whatever trance he was in and starts barking at him.

"No, no, bad dog, bad dog" I say, trying to shut him up, but he keeps barking at Ryan.

He starts walking towards Ryan in a threatening way and that's when I know I have to stop him.

"What has gotten into you today? Max, stop it right now" I say but he ignores me and keeps walking slowly towards Ryan who looks like he's about to shit his pants. If this were any other situation, I would have laughed at how scared he looked.

Think Scar, think. You have to do something before your dog eats your best friend.

I run to my bathroom and fetch a cup of freezing water and run back to my bedroom.

Really Scar? That's the best you could come up with? A glass of freezing water? Bitchy me says in my head.

I'm a bitch? Wow that's rich coming from you, she adds.

The water was the only thing I could think of and yes you're a bitch. Now fuck off, I say and tune her out.

"Max, stop it" I try once again but I'm ignored, again.

"OK then, you leave me no choice" I say and pour the cup of freezing water on him.

He stops his advances towards Ryan and looks at me in a way that says, really? Cold water. I run to the bathroom and fetch another cup and pour it on him. He whines and shakes his fur to rid it of the freezing water and runs out of my room to God-knows-where.

Come to think of it, I don't know where he goes all day. Probably the backyard, chasing small animals.

I turn to Ryan and see him still frozen in place.

Man. Max scared him that much? He looks like he's about to cry.

I snap my fingers in his face which brings him out of his trance like state.

"Are you OK Ryan?" I ask.

He seems to be in deep thoughts but suddenly shakes his head as if to rid that thought.

"I'm fine. Listen Scar, I'm leaving now but we have to talk" and with that, he leaves.

"Well that was quite a show don't you think? Anyways I hope you like my gift. Until next time"


Soooo, what do you guys think? What do you think Ryan wants to talk to Scar about, and why was Max behaving weirdly? Lemme know. Oh and don't forget to vote and comment.



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