Chapter Twelve - Bipolar Asshole And Strange Rooms [EDITED]

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Scarlett's POV

I run after Mr. Xavier, leaving Chad behind. I go out and see him enter his car and start the engine. I quickly enter and buckle up and we're off to his home, wherever that is. 

Come to think of it, I don't know anything about him except his name and that he's a substitute teacher in my school and soon, where he lives.

"Where are we going? " I ask him.

He ignores me and keeps driving to God knows where.

"Hello? Did you hear me? I asked a fucking question" I say, irritation clear in my voice and surprise surprise, he ignores me again.

He wants to ignore me, fine then. Two can play that game.

With that thought, I turn my head and look out the window. A few minutes later, the car comes to a stop in front of a three story vintage looking house. I must say this house is beautiful, not where I thought he'd live but beautiful nonetheless.

What does he even need all that space for, he lives alone.

You sure about that, a voice says in my mind.

Who the hell are?, I ask the mysterious voice.

I'm you, you dumb shit. I'm the inner voice which stops you from doing stupid shit all the time.

Woah calm down woman, I was only asking, jeez. And of course I'm sure he lives here alone, who else is going to live with him, I ask.

Oh I don't know maybe his family, you know, parents siblings, maybe even a girlfriend, things that you're not familiar with, at all, the inner me says sarcastically.

OK ouch, that kinda hurt but whatever, you win this round.

Ha, sucker.

Now I know most of you already think I'm crazy for having a full conversation with myself, but I can assure you I'm perfectly sane, thank you very much.

Pfftt, keep telling yourself that.

OK that's it, do you want me to come up there. Cause I will, and when I do, you're not gonna like it so shut _

"You coming?" Xavier calls from the entrance of the house, ending my conversation with myself.

I choose to ignore him and just walk past him and into the house.

He shows me around and tells me what to do in the rooms seeing as he hired me to be his fucking maid.

Still can't believe I agreed to this shit.

Well you did

Piss off inner voice.

"Oh and one last thing, do not go into the west wing. That's my personal space and I don't want you invading it. Got it? " he asks and I just nod in response.

I head to the storage room and get all the cleaning tools I'm going to need for the job and start cleaning.

After cleaning five bedrooms, two bathrooms, the living room and kitchen I was ready to go home and hit the hay.

I go in search of Mr. Xavier to let him know that I'm done and heading home. I stop in my tracks realizing he's in the west wing and that he specifically told me not to go there.

Since when did you start actually listening and following the rules, you've never obeyed a single rule in your entire life, inner me says.

She's right, I've never obeyed a single rule in my life,never have and I never will. I hate being told what to, be it good or bad.  

Of course I'm right, I'm the better you for a reason, inner me says smugly.

With Mr. Xavier in mind, I head there in search of him.

OK then, now to find which room he's in. He's probably in his bedroom. Now I just have to find it.

Ughhhh, why does he have so many rooms, I say as I open the third door only to find out its a storage room.

I open the fourth door to find it empty save for a mirror and a desk in front of it.

What a strange room,  I think to myself.

I go towards the mirror and see words engraved on it just like the one back in my apartment. I raise my hand, ready to touch it, only to be yanked back by a very angry looking Mr. Xavier.

"What do you think you're doing? Did I not make it clear enough that I do not want you to stepping a foot in this wing? Who gave you the right to be in here?!" he screams at me and I feel tears in my eyes.

Dammit Scar, pull your shit together and put on your big girl pants. Don't show weakness. Don't let him see you cry.

"I-i wa-was looking f-for y-ou" I say,  or more like stutter out. I've never seen him this angry and, I'm not gonna lie, it scares the living crap out of me.

He drags me out of the room and closes the door behind us, locking it after. He sighs and turns to caress my cheeks while looking at me.

What the fuck? Is he bipolar or something? One minute he's yelling at me and the next he's caressing my checks.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you but what were you doing in there? I told you not to come here." he asks.

"I was coming to tell you that I'm done for the day and I'm heading home. Then you went all psychotic murderer on me" I say with a roll of my eyes.

"Fine, you can go" he says and turns around and starts walking who knows where.

"Wait, can I have a ride home?" I ask, my voice full of hope which is crushed by his simple, yet heartbreaking answer,

"No" and disappears into his house.

Sigh, looks like I'm walking home.

That's when it hits me, I have no idea where I am and which way leads home, and the bipolar asshole expects me to walk home.

I am so screwed.


Hey guys another chapter. Lemme know of what you think and don't forget to vote and comment.



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