Chapter Seventeen - Dark Watchers [EDITED]

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Scarlett's POV

I walk deeper and deeper into the woods, not caring where I am as long as its not with him.

Scarlett, where are we going?, inner me asks.

I have no idea, I tell her.

Then something hits me. I've heard a lot this year and I won't be surprised if I find out my inner voice is not just an inner voice.

You're right. I'm Gabriella and I'm not just you inner thoughts, I'm you, the better you, she says.

If you're me, as you say, why is your name different, I ask.

It's not, you just don't remember. There's a lot you don't remember. But don't worry, you will remember everything soon, she says.

What do you mean I don't remember, I ask, slightly confused.

All in due time. Listen, I have to go, inner me, or rather Gabriella says and disappears to the back of my mind.

I hear a twig snap beside me and when I turn, I see a figure standing a few metres from me, watching my every move. It's entirely covered by shadows but from what I can see, its the silhouette of a man, a huge man. And the only thing you can actually see that is not covered in shadows are it's glowing white eyes.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I ask when I see that it's not attacking, just watching.

"Do not be alarmed human. I am a Dark Watcher and I do not attack people. We just watch them.", it says in a deep throaty voice.

"We?" I ask.

"Yes we. For we are many" he says and that's when I take notice of the other Dark Watchers and boy was he right.

I was currently surrounded by them.

"What do you want from me?" I ask again.

"Nothing you can give us" the same shadow from before said.

'Then why are you still here. " I ask.

"Your scent. It is one which I have never smelt on a human before.", he says.

"So what are you trying to say. That I'm not human?", I ask, fearing what he'll say next.

"You are human, I can smell it, just not full human. There is something else, one which I cannot tell yet" he says.

"So I'm only half human?," I ask just to be sure.

"Yes" he answers.

If I'm half human, what could my other half be? And how did I even get it? Both my parents are humans. At least I think they are. And if they aren't, what are they?

So many questions and I don't have a single answer.

A thunderous growl breaks my train of thought and shakes the ground. I have to hold the tree next to me to keep me from falling on my ass.

I watch as the Dark Watchers start disappearing one after the other until it's just the one I was talking to and I.

"It seems like your mate just found out you're missing " he says and my eyes widen. I don't remember telling him that piece of information.

"How did you know that, I didn't tell you" I ask.

"I figured you were here because you were with your mate. No human can cross the portal unless with a demon. And if you don't mind me asking, why are you here and not with your mate?" he asks and the memories come flooding back and with those memories comes the tears I desperately tried to keep at bay.

"He was kinda busy screwing someone's brains out. " I say bitterly and wipe my tears.

"He touched another when he knew you were in the house?" he asks with disbelief in his voice.

"Yep" I say, popping the p.

"Scarlett!", Xavier screams out as he rans at an incredible speed and stops in front of the Dark Watcher, grabbing him by the neck and throwing him against the tree. I could barely see what was happening. I roll my eyes at his dramatic entrance.

"What are you doing here Xavier? Shouldn't you be in the house fucking your slut, or are you done with her and looking for your next bitch" I say, my view laced with venom.

His eyes widen for a moment then go back to normal. Guess he didn't know I could hear them going at it like fucking rabbits.

"What, you didn't think I'd find out? " I ask.

"What I do and who I do it with is none of your business" he says and my heart breaks. I wasn't expecting him to apologize but I definitely didn't expect him to admit that he was having sex with another girl when he knew I was him mate.

I turn to the Dark Watcher, who was now standing and say, "See what I mean?"

He just nods with a surprised look. How I am able to read the emotions of a shadow baffles me.

He disappears from where Xavier threw him and appears in front of me.

"I'll see you soon " he says and turns to leave.

"Wait I didn't get your name", I say and he looks confused.

"Name? I'm afraid I do not have one. You can call me whatever you want. " he says and I rack my brain for a name for him.

"OK then how about Demetrius?", I ask and he nods.

"Goodbye mistress" he says and disappears once again, leaving Xavier and I standing alone in the middle of the woods.

This is just great.

I turn to him and see him already looking at me.

I sigh and ask "Why did you come after me?"

"I already told you. You belong to me and I will not let you leave " he says.

"Why the fuck not?! You clearly don't want me so why keep me here? I have a life back home. I have family and loving friends worried sick about my whereabouts. Please let me go home" I say getting frustrated and my words turn into pleas.

He just looks at me and I sigh, feeling defeated.

"I have a question for you. I know you know what I am. So tell me Xavier, what am I? " I ask.

"You, are a half angel "


Hey guys. Another long chapter. Lemme know what you think. Oh and don't forget to vote and comment.



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