Chapter Ten- Silhouettes and Guilt [EDITED]

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Scarlett's POV

I look in the mirror and what I see is definitely not a reflection, but the silhouette of a man looking right at me through the mirror.

Oh my gosh there's a man in the mirror.

My first thought is to scream for my parents but the silhouette shakes a finger no so I stop and pick up my phone instead, immediately dialling 911. On the second ring the phone is answered.

"911 what's your emergency" the voice of a female officer says through the phone.

"Hi, yes. There's a man in my mirror." I say, and wince at how stupid I sounded.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but would you like to repeat that?" She says.

I take a big breath in and say again

"I said, there's a silhouette of a man looking at me from my mirror."

"Do you mean there's a man in front of your mirror?"  She asks.

"No no no. I mean there's a man actually in my mirror. He's looking at me right now as we speak. Please send help." I plead

The officer sighs and says,

"Is he attacking you?"

"No. He's just standing there looking at me." I say

"Look ma'am if this some sort of prank,its not funny. Don't you have anything else to do with your life than prank call the police?" She asks.

"No no no no I'm serious. There's a man standing in my mirror and he's fucking looking at me" I say

"Look, if this is a prank call you should be ashamed of yourself. Don't you have anything better to do than to be pranking cops? I'm ending the call. Don't call back. Have a nice night." She says.

"No no no no don't end_" I start to say but I'm cut short by the sound of the phone beeping, indicating that the call has ended.

I look back to the mirror and see that the man is, wait, what the fuck?!

Is he laughing at me ?!

He's on the floor clutching his stomach and shaking, probably with uncontrollable laughter.

Who the fuck is this man and where the hell did he come from anyways. How is he even here.

I walk behind the mirror and check if there's someone there but there's nothing there but the wall. I go back to stand in front of the mirror and gasp when I see that the mystery man is no longer on the floor clutching his stomach, but standing with his hands in his pockets and looking at me. I tilt my head to the side and look at him and he does the same, like he's observing me.

"Who are you?" I ask to the mysterious man but get no reply.

"Answer me when I talk to you. Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want from me?" I ask again.

He doesn't answer again, but starts walking towards me. To each step he takes forward, I take two steps back. This keeps going on until I hit the edge of my bed and I climb on top of it and hide under my blankets.

This isn't real. This isn't real. He isn't real. He isn't real.

I keep chanting to myself with my eyes shut tight. I peek out of the blankets and slightly open my eyes to see that the hand of the man has passed through the mirror and looked like he was grabbing something.

Nope. That's it.

I close my eyes and scream at the top of my lungs. I hear footsteps running in my direction and I scream louder. The door bursts open and my parents stand alert, looking for a reason as to why their lovely daughter was screaming her head off in the middle of the night.

"Scarlett, Scarlett, calm down. Calm down. Its us. Mom and dad" my mom says as she tries to calm me down.

My screams die down and I look in the mirror and see that there's no one here. I look around the room and see that it's empty. I check under my bed too, just to be safe, and I'm relieved to see that there is no one down there too.

It wasn't real. There was no one there. My mind must be playing tricks on me. I really need to get some sleep,

I think to myself and with that, I shut my eyes and go to sleep


Monday mornings, the worst part of the day. No scratch that, its the worst part of the week. I get up with a groan and head to the bathroom to perform my usual activities. Thirty minutes later, I come out clean and dressed. I grab my keys and start to walk out of my room when my eyes land on the mirror, and all of last night's activities come flooding into my mind. I stop and walk towards it to inspect it, to see if there's anything strange.

Now that I can see the mirror in daylight, I see that it's really beautiful. The wood has beautiful carvings of letters and symbols in a different language. I run my hand over them and the mirror seems to sparkle in the light. It seems to call out to me, wanting me to touch it, caress it. I raise my hand up and just as I'm about to touch it, my phone rings, making me jump about 2 feet in the air and retract my hand back. I remove my phone from my back pocket and see it's Ryan.

"Hi Ryan" I say.

"Hi Scar. Where are you?" he asks.

"What do you mean where am I. I'm home, where else would I be?" I say he sighs and says,

"Umm Scar, Mr Xavier's class started an hour ago." he says and I look at the time.

Why am I not surprised, that once again, I'm late to his class.

I sigh and say,

"I'll be there soon, I might not make it to his class though, but I'm on my way." I say.

I get out of bed and perform my daily morning routine and dress up for school. I leave my room and head downstairs. I see my mom and dad eating breakfast at the table.

"Oh hey kiddo. We thought we'd let you get more rest after last night" my dad says and I nod my head in appreciation.

"Thanks but i just got a call from Ryan. I have to get to school asap." I say and pick an apple from the fruit basket and leave my house and get in my car and head straight to school.

I look at the time again and see that, I have 10 minutes until his class is over.

Sigh, let's just get this over with, I think to myself, and start walking to the class.

I hear him saying something but stops when I open the door, and the bell couldn't have rung any other time.

"OK, I'll see you guys later. Don't forget to study for the test. Class dismissed" Mr Xavier says and everyone starts leaving the class, everyone except me.

"So what's it gonna be today Jake. What punishment are you giving me today?" I ask already knowing I'm in big trouble, so I might as well receive it now than later.

"Why do you keep doing this. Do you enjoy frustrating me?" he asks.

"I already told you Sir, I don't do it deliberately" I say getting frustrated myself.

"Why the hell will I enjoy sitting in a class with you for more hours than I want to" I say and he looks taken aback by my outburst.

Well that makes two of us buddy, I really don't know why I said that. It just came out.

"Okay then, you have detention after school today. I'm sorry you have to see my face again today but that's the only punishment I can give out. You may leave now" he says and I suddenly feel guilty.

"I'm sorry Mr Xavier, I've just been stressed out this past week" I say feeling like I owe him an apology, but all he does is hum and nod his head, not even looking in my direction .

I sigh and just leave, feeling like shit.

What have I done.

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