Chapter 47

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Brian pov:

As I exited my penthouse leaving my girlfriend all alone even though she is sleeping, because of her stupid brother, I headed down to find my men waiting for me.

"Two of you go and guard my penthouse from out. Make sure no one other than me enters. Also if you find anything suspicious, immediately call me. Got it?" I ordered them as I got in the car.

"Yes boss." I heard their reply.

I reached my club at 12. I immediately headed out to my office.

I opened the door to see Dawn having some more coffee and Sam sleeping while Will just stared at Sam.

"Thank fuck! you finally came. I was third wheeling these two love birds the entire time. It is not fun let me tell you." Dawn whined. Sam scoffed at her comment while William shrugged.

 I rolled my eyes and flicked her off before sitting on my chair.

"Sam! Brian is here." Will slightly shook Sam.

Sam groaned before opening his eyes.

"Oh hey! You finally came." He yawned.

"Yes I did. Now what is this meeting called for."  I asked, getting straight to business.

"Oh yeah.." Sam rubbed his temples.

"So?" Dawn asked.

"I think my parents are hiding something." Sam sighed.

"Uh okay and? Solve your own family problems.." Dawn scoffed.

" For a 24 year old you sure act like a kid." Sam scowled.

"Hey stop it! Getting back to the point." Will's voice boomed which caused Sam to.... shiver?

I raised an eyebrow at the two but didn't pay much attention to it.

"Well after Maya left my mom started crying saying stuff like it's gonna happen again and what if she leaves like he did and stuff like that." Sam explained.

"Who is he?" Dawn frowned.

"I don't know. But even Jax and Maria were vary of speaking about it. They are hiding something...or rather someone." Sam concluded.

"Did you ask them what they were talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yes I did and obviously they turned me down." Sam frowned.

"Why don't you ask your previous leader?" Dawn asked as she took a sip of her nth coffee.

"Previous leader?" Will asked, confused.

"Wasn't there another person in lead of Noble wolves around 18 years ago? " Dawn clarified.

"What? NO. My father is the one in charge before my brother took control of Australia and some  Asian countries." Sam informed.

" Mr. Jackson had stepped down from the leader's position for a couple of years and came back up. This incident is apparently never spoken by any member of the gang and new members aren't even aware of it. It is almost a forbidden conversation. I tried snooping around but almost got caught. SO this kind of proves that there is something." 

"Wait, I had heard rumors about a person in Noble wolves. My cousin was talking about it to my dad. He is said to be one of the best assassins in our underground history." I interjected.

"That's the one I was thinking about. This incident isn't even spoken by other gangs. It must have been really horrible." Dawn pointed out.

"Why the hell don't I know about that person." Sam tilted his head in confusion.

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