Chapter Two

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Maya's pov:

"Finally home!!" I sighed and plopped on the couch.

"I see your back." Maria's voice boomed. I nodded in response.

"Go freshen up, sis." She pulled me out of the couch and I groaned.

"Yeah, I'm not letting you sit on my couch when you stink so bad." She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"Hey! I played basketball. I don't stink, I am just sweating." I scoffed.

"That sweat is giving an unbearable odour." She rolled her eyes and I grabbed my school bag before heading towards my room.

I quickly freshened up and changed into my casuals before heading back downstairs.

I grabbed my bike keys and headed out.

"I'm going out!" I yelled and got an 'Okay' as a response.

Just as I was heading towards my bike, Sam's car came into my view. He parked the car and got out. Sweat was glistening all over him.

"That was some practice, huh?" I asked as I scanned my brother.

"You have no idea." He shook his head and shut the car door.

"Anyways, I'm heading out." I informed.

"Where are you going?" He asked, suspiciously.

"Jeez! I'm going to meet Harp." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay and stay away from Dirk's goons." He warned.

"Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm not the one going to them! It's the opposite." I scowled and his features softened.

"I'm just warning you. If anything happens, you come to me or Brian." He told and I flipped him off.

"I can take care of myself." I stated and headed towards my bike.


I reached the mall around 20 minutes later. I take my phone out and call Harper.

She picks it at the third ring.

"Harp! Where are you?" I greeted.

"Right behind you." She retorted and I immediately turned around. She was standing there with her phone next to her ear.

I cut the call and grin at her.

"Sup" She loosely hung her arm around my shoulder.

"I am hungry." I pouted 

"Of course you are." She chuckled and we headed towards Mc'Donalds.

We got our burgers and took our seat before digging in to our food.

Just then, I heard clicking of heels which sounded familiar.

I look up and find Jake, my childhood friend with Tia.

Tia actually belongs to the bitch squad of our group but recently she has been acting a bit too friendly towards us. I really didn't understand why Jake decided to go out with her but it is his choice.

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