Chapter eighteen

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My bunny❣️ :

Hi tae,sorry for late chat was busy .

My tiger❣️ :

It's okay pumpkin ,but when will you stop calling me by my name   .

My bunny ❣️ :

What would you want me to call you ?.

My tiger ❣️:

Something sweet and romantic have you forgotten am your man

my bunny ❣️:

I know you are my man .
How about "honey" for short hon .

My tiger ❣️:

I like that,then I can call you pumpkin or baby .

My bunny ❣️:

That's sounds cool too .
Wanna FaceTime?

My tiger ❣️ :

Yeah why not ..

My bunny ❣️ :

Let me freshen up and then I will you ..

My tiger ❣️ :

Same,but no make up,I want to see your face natural ..

My bunny ❣️ :

Okay hon,be right back.

My tiger ❣️ :

Okay ,missing you already ..

Jungkook dropped the phone on the bed and went into the bathroom to wash up ,he waxed all his leg hairs out he didn't want taehyung saying he looks to manly or unkept "damn kook it's just video call not like he is coming to visit you or something " the thought to himself and smiled .

After few minutes later he was done bathing and brushing his teeth ,he then decided to put on his soft pajamas that made him look like a bunny .

He looked at the mirror and was satisfied with himself he dialed his 'tiger's ' number ..

My fiance /Vkook(Taekook) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon