33 | Genelia

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Trigger Warning: mentions of gun use and gang business


"Why don't you have little Miss Newton answer that question, hm?"

Genelia looked very confused when Lee said that, but before Lee could lure Genelia into his trap and turn her against Nova too, Nova decided to take matters into her own hands.

"You're one to speak, Mister Lee Hiram." Said Nova, distaste on her tongue as she spit out his name.

And Genelia looked even more confused now.

"What?" she said, looking back and forth between Lee and Nova. Nova smirked as Lee scowled.

"Shut up, you bitch." Lee spat out.

It was fast the way Genelia's hand lifted up to smack Lee across the face as soon as the words left his mouth.

"You shut up, asshole. Don't talk to her like that." Genelia said, glaring at him before turning her gaze back to Nova. Her eyes were stone cold now, and that alone told Nova that Genelia no longer had her guard down. She was closed off now, even in front of Nova.

"What is he talking about." Genelia asked, her tone demanding. As if she expected nothing but the answer to come out of Nova's mouth should it open.

"I will tell you what he means, but you have to know this first. When I tell you, you have to listen to me till I'm finished. And you'll believe everything I say. And don't react any way I wouldn't, because if you know, it's going to be a big deal. Okay?" Nova explained.

Genelia took some time, her jaw ticking as she kept her guarded gaze trained on Nova. Then, finally, she took a sharp breath from her nose before closing her eyes for just a moment and nodded her head, stiffly.

"Okay." She said.

"Alright then." Nova saw Lee smirking and she had to hide her own smirk because if he thought that his little secret won't come out in the open any time soon, oh how gravely he was mistaken then.

"Adam and I have connections with the MI-6. I do, mostly, but Adam does too. Being one of the nation's top tech companies and all, he has to be. And I, well, you know about my father. He has connections and I know them. So, you might get in serious trouble today." Nova lied. Technically, it wasn't all a lie. It was just bending the truth a little. But it was still playing with someone's trust all the same.

Lee had seen them at the headquarters, but he didn't know why they were there. Or that they were a part of the investigation team even. For all he knew, they were there because he was caught doing his dirty deeds – the deeds he did being in Derek's company. So, really, Nova knew how to save herself. It was Lee who was at a disadvantage here. Because his secret was going to be out.

"How does he know that?" Genelia asked, and Nova suppressed a triumphant smile.

"Because he saw us there. Why don't you tell your own little story now, huh, Mr. Lee Hiram?"

Nova saw Lee's jaws clenching as he glared at Nova when she said that. He shouldn't have started playing. Not with her.

"What is she talking about, Lee? What were you doing there? Did you finally decide to get out of that hell hole, too? Did you finally –"

"No." Lee interrupted her.

"Huh?" Genelia let out.

"I didn't rat anyone out. I'm not that petty." Lee gritted out.

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