09 | Nova or Eva?

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Her plan, however, didn't really work out. Because she didn't get the time neither the opportunity to even execute it for one whole week and a half.

Mr. Adams had been away for some other case he had. He was busy wrapping the current one up and scheming for the next both at the same time – James had told her.

Meanwhile, she had to learn some fighting techniques and get a full body checkup and give tests every day. She wouldn't say it was exhausting because doing all that – at least she wasn't getting bored all alone in her home. She already knew self-defence and some tid-bits of karate, it wasn't very hard for her to get a hang of the things her instructor told her.

She got a kind of secretary of her own, who picked her up and dropped her off and took her to wherever they had to go as she was new there. But now she didn't really need him because she was getting to know about the places she needed to be at. If she was just provided with a time-table, a schedule she was sure she could easily manage on her own.

It was a routine for the last ten days though; get up at half past five – which was nothing out of ordinary because she was used to it – take a walk, do some exercises, get ready, have breakfast, go to the instructor train for one hour, take half hour break, get back to training for one and a half hours, go to the office, do some business talk with James, go for the tests to other officers, come back, have dinner, do research, sleep, repeat.

The training was the only thing which was out of ordinary and the questioning that was done by the professionals whose name she wasn't told which was understandable because they were testing her if she was trust-worthy or if she could be hired for the job. MI6 was absolutely not a small thing.

She had to be sure and quick while answering all the trick questions and situations she was tricked into and till now, she thought she wasn't doing her best but she doesn't think she was poor either. Just hanging off which unsettled her sometimes. Other than that, her fighting training was going really great, having a personal trainer helped, really.

"You did exceptionally good, Ms. Newton, and today was our last session because of it," her trainer, Mr. Johnson told her and she was relieved as well as thankful for him.

"Thank you, Mr. Johnson, it was all you," she thanked him and after greeting each other she went away to change and get back to the office.

Jason, the guy who had been taking her to places and people and informing her about the things she had to do, took her to the office as usual where they were joined by James in his cabin which had become a familiar place in these ten days.

"How was training today, Ms. Newton?" he asked just like always, professionally.

Jason and James were brothers which was noticeable through their similar looks. Both of them had the same blonde hair, same gray eyes and they were both always very professional which also meant that they always talked business.

There wasn't a time when Nova could recall them ever talking about family or joking around like brothers, it was just when she had asked Jason if they were related that she had her doubt confirmed. She didn't dare go past asking any other questions, though, because if they weren't civil with each other at work, surely neither of them would want her to pry, either.

"Mr. Adams will be available today, Ms. Newton, and you have an appointment with him at six today, evening. Be on time, Mr. Adams wouldn't be in the best mood today most probably," James informed her and she refrained herself from asking him why. Nodding and giving him a very professional sounding response, she made her way to the officer's chamber. Officers who had no problem being called what they were – officers.

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