35 | The Next Step

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Turns out all the evidence about Lee getting a huge amount of money was actually Lee sending the laundered money to another account of himself which was actually Tory's. And all the other arrows that pointed to Lee were actually all set up by Tory herself. Nova found this out after asking Lee how it was that they found traces of him everywhere they looked and Lee looked confused first, horrified next and straight up angry at the end. He connected the dots and told them how she must've been using his name because apparently Tory was a 'sly bitch' and used anyone she could.

It was a lot, Nova would agree, but at least they now knew everything.

And no, Lee wasn't lying, Nova was sure of it because after getting Jason to see where the last transaction took place from they got a location of one of the banks from Italy, right in the middle of the capital, Rome.

All of that felt relieving, that they were now almost at the end of the case, that all they had left was to catch Tory and get in contact with the Italian police and let them know about the mafia leader.

So that was how they now found themselves going to Officer Penton's office again a day after they'd had their confrontation with Lee and Genelia.

Lee was taken to the local detention center and Genelia was getting help at a hospital – she was on probation, though – for her anxiety and mild PTSD.

Nova had thought that after talking with the duo they'd go straight to Penton to report back to him all the new information they had but Derek had told her how Penton had told him that he wouldn't be available for two days. Apparently, he had an important meeting and that left Nova hanging because as far as she was aware, Penton didn't have any other case other than the one they were assigned to.

But Nova will get to know that soon enough, seeing as she was now standing in front of the man's office, with Derek besides her.

Contrary to what Nova had expected Derek to do – which was to knock on the door like any other person, Derek did none of that any other person thing. Instead, he held on the door knob and twisted it in one swift motion, successfully opening it and leaving Nova wide-eyed standing beside him.

Sparing a glance at her and quickly nodding his head gesturing forward, Derek went on to step inside, prompting Nova to follow along.

"There they are," was what Nova was greeted with, making her stop in her tracks, right in the middle of the spacious office.

"Well, why'd you stop there, Ms. Newton? C'mon, C'mon, sit right here!" Penton said and Nova felt her cheeks burn before she nodded her head and made her way towards the sofa, right beside Derek who seemed to have had no problem adjusting in this rather frank setting.

"Good Morning, Officer Penton, Good Morning, Officer Mathur," Nova greeted once she'd sat down; slipping on a smile on her face despite the immense confusion she was in.

Because why was Officer Mathur here? And Officer Penton seemed in a rather good mood which shouldn't be the case since the main offender of their case had fled – about which, as far as Nova knew, Penton hadn't yet been informed.

"Morning, Morning, Ms. Newton. We come with excellent news." Said Officer Mathur which did absolutely nothing to calm down Nova's curiosity.

"Oh?" was all Nova could let out.

"Yes, yes!" Officer Penton exclaimed.

"And what would the excellent news be?" asked Derek and Nova let out a breath because now at least it was clear that it wasn't just her who was out of the loop.

"All in good time, kids. All in good time."

"Yes! After all, they do say 'Patience is virtue', don't they?"

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