34 | The Whole Truth

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Nova jerked awake when she saw headlights closing in on her before hearing a loud screech.

Her eyes shot open as she gasped, the jolting feeling in her body having her flailing her arms to hold onto something so she doesn't fall off. A few beats went by before she realised that she wasn't moving at all. Looking over to her palms to inspect what she'd been holding, she saw Derek's hand - just the three of his fingers - clasped in her own.

Before she could begin to let go, Derek's fingers spread inside the tight fist Nova clutched them in, making her lose the hold she had on them before he curled his fingers around hers and just held on instead. That was when she also noticed that she'd been shivering, her body shaking. And she felt the warmth rubbing soothing circles on her back.

Taking a few seconds to compose herself, Nova started. "I- Where are we?"

Derek said nothing, just looked out the window, compelling Nova to do the same. It was still dark outside and the atmosphere was still very much foggy. She was sure that the moment she'd step foot out of the car she would know just how chilly it was out there. It was also about to snow in just a few more days.

But the fog wasn't as bad so as to not let Nova see the headquarter building. So they were here to report to Penton.

Turning her head back to Derek she saw him divert his eyes away from the windows and onto her. Nova tried giving him a small smile but she froze when Derek - who had already been pressed against her because of Nova having abandoned her side of the car altogether and squishing herself to Derek - leaned even closer to her. He dipped his head gently, gaze only once falling from her eyes before locking with hers again. Without knowing, Nova tilted her chin the littlest bit forward and felt her lips touch Derek's. Closing her eyes at the sensation, she pressed into him for a few more seconds before pulling away.

Now, Nova wasn't sure what that was for or why they'd just done that, but what she knew was that it was instinct and that it calmed her down. Kissing Derek calmed her down.

Looking into Derek's clear blue eyes, Nova tried to smile a little. Derek's gaze fell back to her lips when she did, and he leaned in again to press another sweet peck on her lips before his mouth lifted up and pressed another firm kiss on her forehead followed by gentle pats of his fingers on the top of her head.

"Let's go, okay?" He asked then, after pulling back. His voice hoarse and low because of being silent for so long. It was the quiet of the nighttime and neither of them wanted to disrupt it.

Nova nodded, untangling herself from him so he could reach out to the door and open it. He did so and Nova followed him out and up to Penton's office.

It was hazy again after that. Nova knew the things that were happening around her, she saw the people still alerted and going about to wherever they needed to be. She was aware when she got into the lift with two other men apart from her and Derek and she registered his face when they finally came across Penton. She knew Penton gave her a nod of acknowledgement and that she returned it with a smile of her own. And she knew that Penton had then talked to Derek only briefly before sparing a glance her way and disappearing in a room.

It wasn't until Derek was moving her with a hand pressed on the small of her back and stopped when reaching a corner in the hallway that Nova registered what he said.

"You should head home now, Ms. Newton. Get some rest." He said and Nova nodded, not having much fight in her.

"What about you?" she still managed to ask.

"I'm required to stay back for a bit. I will be coming after a while, don't wait up." Derek said before rubbing his hand where it lay on the small of her back a few times. He let go, nodding his head at someone behind her.

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