07 | Officer to Mister

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"Mr. Adams will just be fine, Ms. Newton."

Nova could not find her voice. He was...

His voice was sort of rough yet smooth, she didn't know she could describe it except that it sounded very powerful, commanding and all she could do was stare at him.

"I'm aware Ms. Newton, that my face, or perhaps what's on it, is quite the catch but I would prefer it if my assistant looked more at the case at hand than ogle the damage," he said and again she was brought back to the reality.

He's witty.

When her brain registered just what he had meant by his words she noticed it. On the right side of his face, under his eyes and a bit lower down his cheekbones, there lay a scar. At least she guessed it was a scar. A scar caused by burn. But it was fainter now, she thought, because you could hardly see it.

His dark hair some of which fell down at his forehead almost reaching his perfect blue eyes was what her eyes wandered to next. His perfectly straight and pointed at the tip nose was his second best feature Nova decided.

His lips followed next and it was as if the second best feature should've been them instead; his lips. All in all, she could say that he was —



Guess she said that out loud.

"You're fascinating."

Let it be this way, then, she decided.

"Are you —" he cut himself off before grumbling, "I don't know what I'd do to James if you're blind." He looked flabbergasted if anything and Nova would've found it to be funny had she not been confused out of her mind as to what in the world he was going on about.

"Are you blind?" he asked then to her. "Or visually challenged maybe?" he asked her.


"My eyes are perfectly fine, Officer — "

" — Mister"

" — Adams."

"Alright, then," he said almost immediately, dismissing the topic altogether very easily as if it was a waste of time and he had absolutely no intention of dragging it on.

"I don't expect you to know each and everything about us, about this association if you'd call it that, but that's what we have James for," he told her and she nodded.

"I also expect you to let me know verbally that you have understood me. I want you to be responsive. Are we clear?"

Nova was about to answer but maybe he didn't want that because he didn't let her.

"I think we're clear. Now, James!"


Nova could see now, why Officer Adams only trusted James; the man knew what he was supposed to do and the exact way it was to be done.

Because the man had spent an hour explaining about everything that she needed to know about the current case that Officer Adams had to be working on and all the progression that'd been made and the doubts that came up about the murderer.

It was a murder mystery.

Apparently, a girl was murdered inside her house at night along with the pet dog that they had and the worker of the house. The parents weren't home that night which easily pointed the needle of suspicion on them and they were even sentenced for ten years in jail but we still weren't sure about it, so Officer Adams were given this case because he was one of the best in his job, according to James.

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