14 | The Case

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"How did he look like?"

"I didn't get a clear look but I noticed his eyes and hair. Black eyes, brown hair."

"It's not enough to distinguish one man in a crowd of thousands."

"Brown shoes, as well."

"Still not enough. Who's to say he works here. For all we know he could be a visitor or someone who doesn't come here often. It's not enough, Ms. Newton but we'll see to it," Officer Penton said as Nova nodded her head.

"I'll be leaving now. Thank you, Ms. Newton, we have a probable lead. Take care you two," he said as he stood up putting the empty tea cup on the table as he did.

"Its late now. Maybe you should stay the night," Officer Adams finally spoke up. He had been mute up until now.

"Yes, I really think you should, Officer," she pressed taking the cup from there and going to the kitchen to wash it.

"Oh, no, no. I don't think that's necessary. And you two have nerves to tell an MI-6 Agent to look out in the dark," he joked making his way to the door. Nova and Derek followed him, chuckling.

"I will do what I have to and you two be aware as well. Work starts from Monday, that's two days. You've got the weekend and the party, look out for that man and immediately inform the others. Ms. Newton, you let Adams know as soon as you can. Don't wander alone anywhere, be it in the office, at the party or outside– and Adams, fill her up on the media issue as well, will you? Tomorrow night is gonna be big, we can't afford a slip-up so bear that in mind."

Officer Penton was doing a great job so far, Nova had to admire him. He was like a father figure even while working; made sure of everything and everyone's safety.

After he left both Nova and Derek plopped down on the sofa in the living room, sighing sighs of exhaustion and slight frustration. Could be about today, could be about tomorrow, neither of them were sure as to which one.

"You could've told me," Derek said to her, his head resting on the head of the sofa, eyes closed, throat exposed and when he spoke his voice sounded hoarse.

Nova removed her hand from her temple and looked at him before answering, "But I did tell you."

"Before he vanished. As soon as you saw him, maybe I knew who he was," he said lifting both his hands to his face and rubbing it in a frustrated manner.

"Maybe then I wouldn't've looked like a dumb fuck just standing there." He almost whispered to himself but Nova had heard. And she had heard him perfectly clear.

"What? Wait — but Derek, it wasn't like that!" She tried to say, tried to comfort him. Why and what for, she wasn't quite sure.

"I'm going to bed, Ms. Newton. We have two days time and don't forget the party is tomorrow evening and I hope you won't take too long in getting ready as they say women do," and with that rather sexist comment he was on his way to the room when Nova spoke up again without actually being aware of it.

"But Officer Penton said something about media!"

"I hope you're not socially anxious, Ms. Newton or get anxiety by seeing lots of people – with camera – and shouting at you from all the sides because that's how it's going to be tomorrow night."

And saying that without stopping his route to his room, he disappeared behind the closed door.


"Come in," a reply came the next morning when she was on Derek's door after she'd knocked twice and had been waiting for a reply as she stood there with two hot mugs of coffee.

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