02 | Across The House

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Although Nova was never a morning person, she still had to wake up early in the morning.

Being almost twenty does that to you.

Halloween was tomorrow and since she didn't get any time away from college, assignments, and daily life in general, she couldn't decorate her house. But it didn't matter if she could or not, because her house was decorated nonetheless.

No matter how much she insisted, Gilliam and Alesso had sworn to turn her house into a zombie's residence by Halloween; they made it clear almost a month ago.

Why? Let's just say that, Nova wasn't giving them the vibe that they needed in order to trust her when she told them that she would surely do something with it.

She was aware that it wasn't very convincing but that's why there she was, looking outside her window, taking in the string of fake leaves which hung all the way down, touching the ground from the terrace. Alesso's Idea.

Peeking out, she also noticed that her garden was Halloween ready. Carved pumpkins lay everywhere in such a manner that it looked really good – or should she say, scary? And of course, she did carve the pumpkins. Only a few of them but she did. The placing of the pumpkins, however, was done by Gilliam, he said her parents had mentioned something about having the house ready for the festivities and so, he'd gone all out.

Her parents were to arrive that day; they said they'd be there by morning.

After doing the morning routine, Nova made her way downstairs only to be greeted by the amazing smell which was Alesso's cooking. The woman could make anything and it was bound to taste heavenly. Although Nova had a rather small appetite, she still ate more than usual whenever Alesso made her specials and that was how good she was.

"Miss Newton. You're up already, I see. Well, come on in then, have a seat and dig in!" Alesso chirped very enthusiastically.

She was a blonde woman in her late thirties, with beautiful features and sweet behavior; small and chubby in physique. Also, someone who liked to call her by her last name first thing in the morning whenever she saw her – even though she's told her not to be formal countless of times.

"Mrs. Horton, how many times do I have to tell you to call me by my first name? And of course I'm going to devour it all, it smells heavenly, and that's what took me here pulling me from my sleep and bed." she told her smiling.

"Oh break it off, yeh two. Ya know it re'lly sometimes gets on me nerves seein' you two goin' at it ev'ry day. Jus' start off yo' day with Nova 'n' Alesso, will ya'?" Gilliam piped in the conversation in his beloved accent as he came in through the sliding glass door which connected the living room to the garden. When closed it also worked as a big window, beside which Nova found herself sitting, drinking her coffee and simply relaxing more times that she'd like to admit.

Gilliam was in his early forties with brown hair, black eyes and tanned skin who loved to be always on point and who Nova adored because he often reminded her of Hagrid from Harry Potter.

"Oh, Gilliam, where's the fun in that, huh? Nova here is just so busy that we hardly ever get to talk! Why not make the best of it?" Alesso told him with a cute smile on her face.

Gilliam grunted in response before adding, "Yah, yer righ', she's too busy lately with all o' her school 'n'...well, jus' school 'tis," he added, "She won't even let us work 'ere! Only when her Momma and Daddy come home she lets us do our work." He complained which didn't much sound like it, more like a discomfort he'd like to fight 'til his last breath.

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