13 | Watson & Co.

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Nova was ready for the day at seven in the morning and ready for whatever it came with.

"Good to go?" Derek asked her and she nodded, taking her phone and bag with her.

"Let's go," she said and they were out of the penthouse.

The lift brought jitters along with it, and not the usual kind, they were something else.

Maybe the fact that this was a huge company and Derek had been the mysterious son of the owner all this time. Surely, when the media saw him again out in the daylight and with someone else it's really going to be a big deal. And then he announces that he's engaged - already, getting married in no time, it's going to explode and it's going explode on the both of them. On her even more so.

Because Derek, was a great looker and Nova wasn't blind. It just didn't matter to her but she knew how much it mattered to every other person. And that meant jealous girls, and honestly, that didn't affect her that much either because she was used to it all. What would create a problem however, were the people she knew

For example, Abigail. Nova kept looking at her phone constantly because she knew as soon as she would be on the Television, Abigail would be blasting her phone with messages and emojis. Emojis mainly. And exclamation marks, let's not forget that. Nova had to be calm about it. Not just Abigail, so many people knew her and not once had they heard about this 'engagement'.

"You look nervous."

That got her out of the overthinking spree. She shouldn't be thinking this much, all was planned and it must go according to the plan. No matter who asks, she knows the story - her love story.

Nova wanted to scoff, just thinking about how Nova never really lied made her think that maybe she should have. Because now she was a sort of professional liar, though she wasn't complaining. She was still somehow grateful.

"No it's nothing. Just a bit cold is all." She replied, rubbing her hands together just for a good measure.

"So are we going to see Mr. Watson there?" She asked him, already trying to get the names straight in her head by calling Officer Penton in his disguised name.

"Yeah, he just arrived there actually," he replied, she nodded.

Nova looked at his ring, and then she looked at hers. They weren't anything too showy or flashy, they were just bands. Though Nova's had a diamond on it, Derek's didn't. She realised, that she liked wearing rings. Not engagement rings per se but, rings in general.

She had been twirling the ring in her finger when they reached their destination. Although Nova had searched up the whole building on the internet, it still wasn't enough to prepare her for the sudden realisation she had.

This was happening. She was going to work. In a building full of people. And lying to them at all times of day.

Nova wasn't as gratified after that specific thought entered her conscious but she wasn't going to let it get to her.

This is my job. I have to do this. This is what I wanted from the start.

That made her feel better.

But she almost jumped when she felt another hand covering her own and upon looking at it she realised it was Adam. Adam Watson, not Derek Adams anymore. It was going to take some time. Because apart from when in front of people she had to convince, Nova couldn't bring herself to address him by his fake name. It was a pretty wierd problem she faced but decided she could manage. Of course she could.

"Couples, remember?" He mumbled to her looking down.

There wasn't much height difference between them, especially when she wore office heels but he still somehow seemed at least half a foot taller.

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