20 | Abby & Her Parties

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It could have been the gasp that left Nova's lips, or it could simply have something to do with the way Nova stood there, looking at Derek, her eyes wide, that gave the impression that she was as oblivious about another humane presence present in her house as Alesso and Gilliam were. Which obviously wasn't true but Nova didn't even get to say anything before Gilliam was standing himself in front of her, trying to sort of shield her from the man standing in the living room, looking as nonchalant as anybody else.

That made Nova snap and finding a way around both their bodies - Alesso and Gilliam's - she manged to reach Derek and stand beside him all the while all three of them were giving her confused looks. Alesso looked at her as if she was scared for her life and confused because she knew Nova was smart enough to not do something as stupid as this - standing beside a alleged bad guy. Gilliam looked at her as if he was questioning himself if she was finally unhinged after studying about all sorts of mental. And Derek... Derek looked a confused of his own. Nova couldn't make as to what kind of confused he was: Alesso's kind or Gilliam's. Which was why she tore her gaze away from him and stood facing the two people she could call more than just acquaintances, friends.

"Darling, what are you doing?" It was Alesso who asked her that, her eyes showing the fear she probably felt. It was justifiable, seeing what everybody else here believed to be true, that Derek was a murderer who killed a man in cold blood, though she wasn't sure if they even knew his name or anything at all.

If Nova had to guess about how these people even recognised him to be the bad guy in the whole neighborhood, she would, without a doubt, say that it had everything to do with the little thing that lay on Derek's face, right below his cheekbone, on his right. The scar, though now almost gone, worked almost as an identity confirmation for all these people. But for her, for Nova, it wasn't the scar with which she could distinguish him in a crowd. No, it was his eyes.

Yes, she had been fascinated with his scar, she still was if she had to be honest, but the blues of his eyes were something entirely different. She hadn't seen anyone with those eyes and that was saying something for Nova knew a lot of people.

"He's," Nova decided to say something, anything, to make situation lighter. "We're -"

"- Engaged."

But of course he beat her to it. His hand, the one in which he had the wedding ring in lifted hers and the diamond shone as a proof.

There was a gasp from Alesso and absolute nothingness from Gilliam. He seemed to be still processing and Nova didn't really blame him.

"What about Victor, then?" Asked Gilliam in his gruff voice and a tone that said he did not believe what anyone said.

"And what about him?" Questioned back Derek and Nova never thought she would want him to just shut his mouth. The irony.

"He knows!" She spoke up before anyone else could interrupt her and make matters worse.

"He knows?" It was Alesso this time, looking to be more and more confused and taken aback as the conversation kept going on.

"Yeah! It's all good, nothing's wrong you guys - you guys just need to listen to me," Nova had no idea as to why she was talking in such a desperate tone. It could be because she needed the situation to get in control and not out of it, becuase that was exactly how it was going seeing how Derek was leading them on to believe what they believed - which Nova was sure was nothing good.

All eyes then turned to her. Again in the same expressions as they had been looking at her previously.

"What have you done to her?" It was Alesso who asked Derek that. Her eyes almost watering, her tone pleading as if she was really scared for her. Then it was Gilliam who repeated after her when Derek didn't answer.

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