05 | Internships & Placements

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Somehow, Nova didn't know how exactly, but Abby had her number. And was now asking her who she was going to observe or to quote Abby, 'who's gonna be your test object?'

When Nova told her that she didn't decide on it but was thinking to observe one of her neighbors Abby sighed and Nova heard her mutter 'she's got one, too' but didn't ask her about it.

Though, it was clear that Abby did not have anyone to write the report on Nova still wondered who she'll end up with, but prayed for the girl.

Sure she didn't exactly know her but it was clear that she was really outgoing and friendly. And the fact that she, of all people, was struggling for just one person to choose and write a report on made Nova realise that there was actually more to people than they let off.

Studying Criminal Law with Psychology was Nova's decision. Her dad had always wanted her to be a lawyer but he never put pressure on her, at least not directly, if you know what it means. He always just hinted on it and expected her to follow his path. And follow his path, she would have, if she'd not realised that becoming a Lawyer was amazing but there were other things that suited her and her interests more.

Sure she could fight a case but she didn't believe that she would be good enough doing it, that she could give her best doing it. Which that's why she chose to study Criminal Law and Psychology.

Doing the same thing as him but outside of the court and deeper inside the case.

When she'd proposed the idea of doing something in the field of investigation, her father was quick to shake his head 'No'. He made sure to let the message travel that he absolutely did not entertain the idea of her being an undercover agent because according to him that carrier was 'far too risky'.

When she'd initially thought of it as a carrier she hadn't really gone that deep but when her father enlightened her with that particular reason, her mind sure diverted from the carrier but the subjects remained the same.

She'd somehow convinced him that she won't be doing the undercover thing but wished to do something in psychology. And that was when her very own father, who had declined for her to do anything that's 'risky' suggested her to major in Psychology with Criminal Law.

At first, she didn't understand what his deal was but when he came up with the idea of Nova working with one of his friends in his firm she understood his game plan immediately.

He wanted her to work in the field that she liked but less risky and under his supervision.

Now that was why she wasn't flowing with the flow. She knew if she joined his internship she won't be doing anything great. She just knew it. She also knew for a fact, that she was more of an introvert. She liked to be under the radar and do what she's supposed to do in the best possible way. She always made sure to look into things, deeper than they appear, and solve puzzles and riddles and reasoning and logic.

She was into that kind of stuff. In a corner, hidden from everybody and anything else, just doing her work peacefully and alone. With nobody to watch what she's doing but the other way around.

As she had always liked to call herself an introvert; there was just one thing that never really fit the tag: She could engage into conversations pretty easily. She never started them though, for some reason, where she always preferred being away from the spotlight, she had always been in the very center of it. In the beginning it unnerved her but after sometime she had no other choice but to get used to it.

So over and all, she thought that the subjects she'd chosen would do her justice. She hoped so, at least.


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