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The couple does not speak as they ready themselves for the Reaping. Marissa fumbles to tie the bow on the back of her blue dress and, Finnick, upon seeing her struggle, silently takes over. They still do not talk, Finnick handing Marissa her hairbrush before pulling on his white knit sweater. He adjusts the collar of it, making sure the shell pendant he has around his neck is visible. A small smile graces Marissa's lips when she sees the shell. It is one Annie had found on the beach, the year after she won the Hunger Games. She had made it into a necklace with Marissa and gifted it to Finnick for his birthday. He wears it every day without fail.

Marissa stops styling her hair, walking over to Finnick and gently running her fingers over the shell. His hand catches hers and he brings it to his lips, pressing them to the soft skin of her knuckles.

"You look beautiful," he whispers, resting his forehead against hers. "I just wish it wasn't for the Reaping."

"I've always loved this jumper," Marissa speaks softly, caressing her fingertips across the soft wool.

"It's a shame I don't look as good as you do in it," Finnick teases, referring to the sheer volume of times Marissa has worn this sweater around the house.

"I think you look perfect."

"I know I do," he remarks cockily. Marissa rolls her eyes, but another smile plays on her lips.

"I wish we didn't have to go back," Marissa sighs, moving her head to rest on his shoulder. She begins to fiddle with the necklace again, her eyebrows knitting together. "Finn, I don't want to hide our relationship anymore."


"They're going to kill us anyway," she interrupts him. "We're not coming back here, Finnick. I don't want to be pretending in my last moments. I want to be able to hold your hand, and cuddle you, and kiss you, and promise you that I love you more than anything in the world."

Finnick does not speak for a while, Marissa pulls away and watches his thoughtful expression curiously.

"Okay. We won't pretend. President Snow won't be impressed."

"I don't care about him. He's broken his promise so we're breaking ours."

"You're so sexy when you're talking about defying the Capitol," Finnick jokes. Marissa does roll her eyes again, something she does a lot when Finnick messes around but when she begins to laugh there is a forceful knock on the front door. The redhead jumps, a fearful gasp escaping her lips as her eyes widen in panic and Finnick coaxes her into his embrace. "Marissa, it's okay. Whatever happens, we're going to be together."

"I love you," Marissa forces the words past the lump forming in her throat.

"I love you too, Mari. Now, finish your hair and I'll go and stall the Peacekeepers."

And with that, Finnick exists the room leaving Marissa to finish styling her hair. Her now trembling fingers reach up and haphazardly pulls her red locks into a half-up, half-down style. She smooths out the fabric of her dress one last time before making her way down the stairs. Her fingertips run along the smooth painted walls for what she suspects will be the last time and she meets Finnick and the herd of Peacekeepers at the front door with a sombre expression on her face.

"Miss Johnson, we're here to escort you to the square," the head Peacekeeper, Tarquinius Einar, speaks aloud. His voice is gruff, almost a growl and he seizes Marissa's upper arm and pulls her forcefully from the house. His grip on her arm is painful and she pushes him away, ripping his hand off of her.

"I can walk by myself!" she hisses at him. She raises her chin and walks forward, Tarquinius and another Peacekeeper on either side of her. Finnick follows behind, a smirk plastered over his face at Marissa's response to Tarquinius' manhandling.

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