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"They promoted me today," Mira announces proudly, showing off her Comunicuff to Finnick, who is being kept in the medical ward and kept on a strong dose of drugs at all times. The drugs and the electrical shock he received from the arena make him incredibly drowsy but, the mental toll of Marissa and Annie being stuck in the Capitol is worse. Mira has to tell him things about three times before they finally resonate with him and, even then he doesn't really respond. Marissa would know exactly what to do and say to make him feel better but, she's not here so that role falls to Mira and Mags. Unfortunately, tying knots on his own in the dark when things get too much for him isn't as effective as it is when he has Marissa hovering beside him, watching as he weaves the ropes expertly. "Finnick?"

Finnick's head snaps towards her as if he'd only just noticed she is in here. She frowns, her shoulders slumping but, she holds out her comunicuff again. "They promoted me."

"What is it?" he asks, hoarsely. He looks exhausted and Mira sighs, perching on the side of his bed.

"It's a comunicuff," Mira tells him. He fiddles with the oversized watch on her wrist, careful not to press any of the buttons. "They're reserved for people that are important to the cause."

"Marissa would kill me if she knew you were a soldier," Finnick whispers. Mira's face falls at the mention of her older sister but, she keeps a smile on her face because it helps Finnick to see her happy.

"I haven't even been on a mission. She'd be fine," Mira assures him. "Did you see Peeta's interview last night?"

Finnick nods grimly.

"He looked okay, didn't he. He wasn't injured," Mira says. He shrugs and Mira sighs. "It's a good thing, Finnick. If they're not hurting him, maybe they're not hurting Marissa, Johanna and Annie."

"No. Peeta didn't know anything about the rebel plan. Marissa did and so did Johanna. He's probably torturing them for information."

"Finnick, Marissa barely knew anything," Mira says. "All she knew was the plan during the Games and about Thirteen. The Capitol already know about all of that."

Finnick doesn't say anything, clenching his jaw shut and inhaling sharply. Mira senses that he wants to argue with her but, either doesn't want to upset her or doesn't have the energy.

"Katniss agreed to be the Mockingjay," Mira tells him, hoping that knowing the rebel plan in the arena was worth it will cheer him up but, his frown grows deeper. "Well, there's an assembly during reflection. President Coin is going to talk about Katniss."

Finnick doesn't respond again, he's not even paying attention to her anymore, staring down at his hands. His eyelids weigh down and he struggles to keep his eyes open. Mira sighs, taking one of his hands in hers and squeezing it. "Finnick, go to sleep. You're tired."

"I'm not," he shakes his head. "I'm fine."

"Finnick, you can't even keep your eyes open. It's okay. Just rest and we can talk later."

Mira leaves Finnick to sleep and makes her way to training which she is scheduled for now. Finnick drifts off almost instantly, his dreams plagued with images of Marissa and Annie bloody, beaten, burned, lacerated, shocked and maimed by the Capitol for information on the rebellion. The horrors startle him awake and, he is put through his usual therapy. Doctor Page assures him that he's safe and he has Mira and Mags here and gets him to tie countless knots in a length of rope so short that Finnick would not be able to tie a noose with it. It all seems pointless to Finnick but, he does it anyway. The knots do help a little, but it's just not the same without Marissa beside him.

Finnick, along with the rest of the patients, is escorted down into the Collective, a huge room that easily fits the population of Thirteen. Finnick stands in his hospital nightgown, his fingers moving rapidly as he ties and unravels knots into the short length of rope. Katniss Everdeen spots him from across the room and makes her way over to him.

"Hey, Finnick," she says. He doesn't acknowledge this, staring down at the rope so, she nudges him to get his attention. "Finnick! How are you doing?"

"Katniss," he says, gripping onto her hand. He's pleased to see a familiar face because he has not seen Mira since they spoke in the hospital and he has not seen Mags since last night. "Why are we meeting here?"

"I told Coin I'd be her Mockingjay. But I made her promise to give the other tributes immunity if the rebels won," she tells him. "In public, so there are plenty of witnesses."

"Oh. Good. Marissa will only say stuff if she's forced to but, I worry about that with Annie. That she'll say something that could be construed as traitorous without knowing it," Finnick says. Katniss seems alarmed for a moment.

"Don't worry, I took care of it," she squeezes Finnick's hand before speeding over to the podium at the front. After a little while, Katniss rejoins Finnick and Coin steps onto the podium and calls the audience to attention.

"Good afternoon. Thank you for interrupting your schedules. They have already been adjusted to compensate for the delay," the uniform woman begins. "Please, check in with your unit supervisors when you resume work.  I have an announcement for the citizens of 13, and our welcome guests from 12. Katniss Everdeen has consented to be the face of our cause to help unite the districts against the Capitol.

"In exchange, I have promised several concessions. First, we'll assess all opportunities for the extraction of the Victors held hostage in the Capitol. Peeta Mellark, Marissa Johnson Johanna Mason, Annie Cresta and Enobaria. Once freed, they will be granted full pardon for any and all crimes committed against the rebel cause."

Finnick seems to brighten after this announcement, turning to Katniss with a grin on his face. "Good. This is good Katniss."

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